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Ava woke up. This time when she opened her eyes she was met with a cloudy sky and birds flying in the dark air. This time, when she breathed in the air, there wasn't as much pain. And this time, she wasn't alone. Luna was there, and instead of reading a magazine upside down like she always would in school, she was sharpening a long, sharp sword.

She was an Assassin now. 

And she looked ruthless.

"Luna?" Ava sat up, an aching pain screaming in her abdomen.

"Hello there," she spoke sweetly like there wasn't a deadly weapon in her lap and like she didn't know how to wield it.

"Where are we?" Ava asked, looking around at the makeshift camp which seemed to be in the middle of a forest. A high mountain soaring into the sky behind her.

"This is home for the time being," Luna explained, peering around at the camp, "you fell asleep on the walk here, Theo carried you and then you slept through the night and morning."

"Oh," was all Ava could say.

Luna placed her sword against a tree beside the stump she was sitting on and then reached into a bag. Ava looked up at all the little fires and smoke filling the air. The few people sleeping, sitting around or training.

"Here," Luna said and Ava turned her attention back to her, "you must be starving."

She was but hunger had become a forgotten feeling. A part of her wanted to reject the sandwich Luna was offering. Save it. Let someone else have it. But by the looks of it, the camp was preparing for a fight and she will need all the strength she can summon.

"Thank you," Ava smiled, taking the stale sandwich and then devouring it like a wild, starved animal.

"What are we preparing for?" Ava asked after a few delicious mouthfuls.

Luna glanced around, "We are a few miles from Hogwarts and we are going to end this war once and for all."


"Watch my feet," Blaise waved his sword to the side, "it will show you my next move."

Ava swung her sword toward him, ignoring the pain in her belly, "I am."

Blaise's sword clashed with hers, sparks emitting from the impact. A slither of a smirk pulling at his lips. He was a trained Assassin and deathly fast. He had trained her for the competition and now he is training her for the approaching battle. For war. Ava's glad to have a warrior like him helping her.

"You need to be quicker," he grinned and then stepped back, standing in fight formation once again.

"I'm trying," Ava said.

For the past two days, she has been trying. She is good but she needs to be better. She needs to get her strength back.

"Try harder," Blaise told her, "this is life or death now. Your opponent won't go easy with you on the battlefield."

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