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finding my memories by Sevan Talmor
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It was no surprise that Ava got no sleep the night after Draco killed Montague. Although she felt safe with Draco, seeing someone die in front of you never gets easy, even in this war. Even if they deserve it. But each day that followed got easier. Each night she slept a little more until she got at least six hours of sleep each night. Excluding the nights she would sneak off to train.

And a month passed. A long month of hard work. This life was her new way of living although she wasn't living at all, she was just surviving.

Today, a new day, ava changed into her training clothes and headed to breakfast, however as she was walking a hand reached hers, causing Ava to stop in her step.

It was Hermionie, looking just as frail as Ava had last seen her, but today, Hermione looked up at Ava with watery eyes.

"Ava, can we talk?" Hermione asked.

"Of course, Hermione," Ava said without a care that they might be caught late for breakfast.

Ava followed Hermione to the corner of the room where her bed was. There was something about Hermione that seemed off. She hasn't been herself in months but today, something was shining in her eyes and Ava couldn't place her finger on what.

"This hell we have been living in," Hermione began and Ava listened closely, "I've realised that it's not meant for all of us. Not all of us will make it here and live to tell the tells of this war to our children."

"We will, Hermione," Ava interrupted her and placed a gentle hand on her boney hands. While Ava gained her weight back and gained muscle, Hermione only got skinnier.

Hermione gave Ava a kind smile, "Maybe. But you, Ava, you are made for this life. You are strong and you have always been the bravest of us Gryffindors."

"So are you. I wouldn't have made it through all those years at school if it wasn't for you." Ava admitted to Hermione. She hated that it sounded like Hermione was giving up.

"Ron and Harry would be so proud of you." Hermione only said as a tear fell down her boney colourless cheek.

"They'd be proud of you too," Ava squeezed her hand.

Another small smile, "I miss them," she whispered as she looked to the side.

"I miss them too," Ava now began to cry.

"I'd like to see them again." Hermione murmured her eyes glistening with tears, "I wonder if where they are is beautiful and peaceful. Unlike here, where nothing but hell waits for us."

"No, Hermione. You will see them but not yet. Soon. Don't give up on living just yet. After this year, we can escape. Our lives are not over yet." Ava told herself that every day and wish it would be easier done than said. She wished she could be more convincing to her best friend.

"Our lives ended that day we were taken from the battle of Hogwarts," Hermione responded, "nothing but misery is left for us now."

"I refuse to believe that's true," Ava whispered, "it can't be."

"What are you two doing here?" Mallory stood by the door, "get down to breakfast now."

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