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Adrenaline filled her veins as she walked up to the arena. She felt like a volcano ready to erupt. Seamus's scowl pulled at the corner of his lips, watching her approach—delighted and ready—like he knew he would defeat her. . . again.

But he was so wrong.

When they fought for the first time, Ava was unprepared. She was scared and weak. And not the girl she is today. She has had training from the infamous death eater, Draco Malfoy and has the secret help of Victor, a strong Assassin who fought with Gods.

He had no idea how wrong he was.

Where tears once filled her eyes before facing him, now anger and a desire to see his blood on her hands filled her eyes.

"I'll go easy on you," He whispered quietly once Ava approached him, an arrogant, cocky grin on his lips.

"No need."

Where he should have taken that as a warning he instead took it as an invitation to pounce at her. He threw his body at her, as though to tackle her, but the two death eaters who had escorted him to the arena grabbed him.

Holding him back like a wild animal. Eager and hungry.

"Remain calm, Ava" Victor's voice echoed in her mind, "I can feel your anger."

Where his eagerness was shown, Ava hid hers but she was unable to hide the smirk that appeared on her lips.

Which made him even crazier.

"Now, now," Voldemort's voice echoed, "Don't get too excited. After seeing your fellow's being beaten to threads of blood I'm surprised you are so eager."

Seamus did not even look at the dark lord. His enraged eyes remained on Ava. Glaring into her soul and Ava stared right back at him.

Voldemort chuckled and then continued, "last fight of the day. And I for one am keen for this one after hearing about their fight during their training."

The crowd roared and it made Ava's stomach twist and turn into a bundle of nerves and the sudden urge to vomit came over her.

"Block them out," Victor's voice again echoed in her mind, "they're bloodthirsty for your failure. Prove them all wrong."

"What if I can't beat him?" Ava responded back with only a thought. It was thought in a small moment of weakness. Seamus looked extremely angry, a beast ready to attack. No not attack. Kill.

"This fight is two against one, Ava," Victor responded, "remember that."

Ava couldn't help but search the crowd for him, feeling his eyes burning on her, she turned her head and found Victor standing in his black cloak, hood up, as though his identity was something he preferred to be hidden.

With a nod of his head, she felt assured she could win this. She had to. Not only for herself but for Hermione. For Harry. For Ron. For Fred. For everyone who has died in this war. For her classmates who have been escorted off bloody and beaten.

To prevent their execution.

She was bought back to reality at the sound of Voldemort's voice, "Take your places."

The four death eaters who were in the arena, with Seamus and Ava,walked out. The two holding seams gently released him and only left when Seamus remained still. Even though his chest heaved with impatience and his eyes burned with rage.

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