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It's not possible. Ava was rendered speechless as she looked into the sapphire eyes of Luna Lovegood. One of her closest friends and a girl she presumed dead.

She looked different — like something dark and twisted had shifted in her eyes and abducted her sweet, innocent soul.

Ava recognised the feeling all to well. It was this war, it was slowly destroying them all, like a plague. Taking out thousands of people—killing them and changing them in dark, evil ways.

She looked older. Its been two— no, three years? Ava isn't sure anymore. She isn't even sure how old she is anymore. But that's not what matters anymore. Surviving is all she knows and Ava can tell Luna has been through hell just to survive.

"Luna?" Ava released a breathless mutter as she felt her eyes pool with water. And a foreign feeling of joy made her heart suddenly beat again.

Luna smiled but it never quite reached her eyes.

"How are you—why—? What happened to you?" Ava couldn't properly form a sentence.

"I think we should keep the reunion catch-up for later," Victor stepped forward, his sword clashing against his side as his large figure came into Ava's eyesight.

"I found Luna in a village which had just been attacked by The Dark Lord's assassins," Victor began, "I first saw her aiding a woman who held a baby in her arms. Then I next saw her fighting three Assassins by herself."

Ava's surprise wasn't hidden when she turned to face Luna.

"Victor helped me kill them," Luna added. Those words were such unfamiliar words to come out of her lips.

"Not that you needed my help," Victor added with a little curve of his upper lip and the tent seemed to grow in size as Ava realised she no longer knew her former best friend, who stood only feet away.

Luna grinned, "Victor told me he needed help. That he could use someone like me in killing the dark lord. And obviously, I wanted to help, I was covered in the blood of innocents, including children that The Dark Lord had killed. Victor also mentioned I reminded him of a girl he knew, a girl named Ava who was trapped in the castle of Hogwarts."

"—And I thought what are the chances that it's you," she grinned with an evil, mysterious glare in her eye, "and I was right. It's good to see you again."

"It's good to see you too," Ava smiled.

Ava wanted to wrap her arms around Luna but she knew now wasn't the time. This is war and they are planning to kill the most powerful wizard in the world. A wizard of nothing but pure wickedness and corruption. Everyone who Ava has lost is because of him and if she has to wait for hugs and reunion until he is dead, then so be it.

"So what's that plan?" Ava raised her chin, drying her eyes with a quick wipe of her palm.

"Well, it's fairly simple but it's going to take a lot. If one of us backs down then it's game over for all of us," Victor said, "Luna's presence and ability still remain unknown. She's like an assassin who can fight in the shadows. Vicious and fast. And can tiptoe around without being seen. We'll use that to our advantage."

Ava furrowed her bros with confusion and surprise at how skilful Luna was. The golden candlelight warmed her skin.

"Before the ceremony, there is to be a toast," Luna said, raising her chin as she stepped closer, leaning her palms on the dark wooden table, "I will drop an elixir into The Dark Lords' glass. It will weaken him."

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