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Ava could hear her heavy breathing as the male dragged her to wherever he was taking her. She could only see black and could only feel the male's rough grip on her upper arm. Her bare feet were cold against the stone, she felt so vulnerable, like anything could happen to her. She hated feeling like this as she was lead into the unknown.

Then she was forced onto her knees.

She slightly turned her head like she would be able to see better. Her eyes darted side to side, waiting. For anything.

Then, suddenly, she was met with a bright light as whatever was over her head was pulled off. Slowly her eyes adjusted and she saw where she was.

Voldermort sat on his throne in front of her. His skeleton-like hands together and his reptilian eyes narrowed at Ava and back to the male behind her, then to Ava.

"Well done, Victor," the dark lord sneered.

Victor's hands were still on Ava. Gripping her hard. Ava's mind swam with questions as she started back at the dark lord.

But Ava tore her gaze from the lord and to who stood beside his throne. Draco. He stood with his hands behind his back, a clenched jaw and eyes filled with so much anger but his face remained emotionless.

Ava could tell he didn't know about this. Ava knew he was just as confused as she was. She also knew that whatever happened or will happen, Draco can be of no help.

"I didn't know someone so small could fight so well," Victor replied. His voice a little less deep, like he was speaking to a dear friend of his.

The dark lord let out a deep chuckle, "you do know how to make me laugh old friend."

"After all these years I hear word you have a special mission for me," Victor began, "I was more than happy to jump back into the fun for you."

Ava had no choice but to listen to the chatter between them, she felt angry, used. Like she wasn't a human, more like an animal to entertain them.

"You seem to have proven yourself well," Voldermort looked back at Ava, "the girl seems to have put up a good fight."

She felt so weak it made the blood in her veins boil. Like she could explode with all this rage at any moment.

"Oh," she felt another tug at her arm, "that she did indeed. I was rather impressed. Even after I pushed her down the stairs she still managed to get up and fight me."

The surprise was clear on the dark lords face. Ava had impressed the dark lord but that only made her hate him more.

Ava had enough, she was going to stay silent but she couldn't. Not with all this anger.

"What is this?" Ava asked. Her voice was quiet and shaky from all the pain and anger she felt all at once.

Draco raised his jaw. Fighting to remain still and quiet himself. The words, don't do anything, begging to be said to her

The dark lord, however, slowly turned his eyes to where Ava kneeled before him. Her chest heaved up and down with irritation.

"Well, I thought it was only fair to give you practice for the tests in two days," the dark lord spoke, "and I wanted to see if you still lived up to my expectations."

The dark lord stood. His dark grey cloak fell behind him.

"All these years and I have never met more of a brave Gryffindor," The dark lord started approaching Ava, "to speak out loud to me, without permission is something my most trusted men don't do. You, girl, are either foolish or as brave as the Gryffindor's are described."

Ava stayed silent.

Draco still stood beside the throne and he shook his head ever so slightly. Warning her to say no more.

She listened.

"Lost for words all of a sudden?" Voldemort questioned, throwing his hands to his side.

Ava didn't answer.

"Very well," the dark lord turned around.

"My lord," Victor began, "I wouldn't lose hope in this one. I've seen great warriors in the thousands of years I have lived and I have come to know one when I see one. A warrior, an Assassin, fights with strength and determination. But the bests ones — they fight with a purpose. The ones who have nothing to lose. Those are the ones who are the greatest. Those are the ones who should be feared."

The dark lord turned slowly. Facing Ava once again. Meeting Ava's eyes. She only stared him down. Imagining how she'd kill him right there.

"Why do you think I've kept her alive?" Voldemort asked.

"I have no dought you won't regret keeping her breathing," Victor said, "I promise you, she will be of great use."

"I hope you are correct, old friend," the dark lord sat back on his throne.

Ava looked to Draco once more but found his eyes looking straight ahead, jaw still clenched hard as ice.

Like he knew that just looking at Ava too much could show his betrayal.

"I would like to talk to the girl if you don't mind," Victor shifted in his stand, ava slightly turned her head. Curiously.

The dark lord waved a hand.

"Do as you please with her," Voldemort snarled, "As long as she is alive in two days to prove herself to me, do as you want with her, old friend. Treat this as a gift to you from me."

Victor nodded, bowed his head in thanks and pulled Ava back to her feet.

Ava looked one last time at Draco and this time found his eyes. Fear filled his eyes. Like he knew what Victor would do to her. Draco being scared of him made Ava's curiosity grow more.

What was he going to do?


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