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Ava laid on the cold floor in the cold dark cell. Her legs curled up as close to her chest as she could get them. She was shaking. Her mind felt lost. She didn't know what was going on. She wasn't sure how long she has been laying there for. It felt like year's. Now and then she would wake up, not remembering falling asleep.

She heard footsteps and murmurs from outside. She saw a tall cloaked man walk past her cell. He had thrown a roll into her cell. She sat up immediately, ignoring her aching muscles. Ava picked up the roll and began eating it. Not realising how hungry she was. After she finished the bread roll she fell to the floor again. Her eyes slowly shutting.


Her eyes flickered open again. She couldn't remember falling asleep again or how many times she's woken up. She saw a roll in her cell again. She held her arm out until she could reach it. She grabbed it and began eating the stale bread roll. That's when she noticed the bottle of water.

She sat up and crawled over to it. Gulping it down in seconds.


She woke up. Saw the bread roll. Saw the bottle of water. Reached for them. Ate the roll. Drank the water. Again.


And again.


This time when Ava woke up. There was three bottles of water and two bread rolls. Did she miss a day? Did they feed her daily? Didn't feel like it. Or was it every other day? She wasn't sure. It was always dark when she awoke. But then again what she did last time she woke up was a blur. Everything was a blur.

She couldn't think about that right now. She reached for the roll and the water and ate it all.

Then she fell asleep again.


And again.


Everyday the same.

Wake up.

Drink the water.

Eat the roll.

Fall asleep.


Until one day was different.

She woke up to a banging of metal. It sounded like someone was hitting the cells doors with a piece of metal. She sat up, scared. Was this it? Was this the day she was taken into work? Or was she going to go into training? Surely not. They wouldn't want a weak girl such as her self.

She could hear yelling but couldn't make out what they were saying.

Suddenly, she saw a man outside her cell door. He threw in what looked like to be clothes.

"It's time."

Copyright © Kirsten Enn

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