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The castle is darker than she remembered. She remembered Hogwarts as beautiful as an old ancient castle. A place to be remembered as a joyous and wonderful place to be, now the Dark Lord has taken it over and is now a sickening place to look at. It looks as though it has been abandoned for years.

The stone is darker and the windows are covered with long sheets, swaying slightly, due to the smashed glass. She remembered when she and her friends would be walking these halls to their lessons, she remembered laughing with them, now where the laugh would have been, screams and death echo throughout instead.

Ava's hand is tightly held on onto Draco's arm. His long cloak following behind him. She has a limp in her step and her head feels fuzzy. When a group of Death Eaters turn the corner, Draco removes her hand and grips her arm instead. Ava assumes it's to make herself look like one of his prisoners.

As the death eaters pass they give a short stare of questioning in Draco's direction, but they dismiss whatever questions they had and give a brief nod instead.

Ava's hearts beat a hard in her chest as they pass. They are in death eater uniforms and masks in their hands, a few of them had swords on their back and their masks on. She wondered if they had stopped Draco and he found out that Ava was not his prisoner. What would they do?

She pushed the thought away and continued. This time Draco supported her body, his grip loosened but when they would pass more guards or Death Eater's, his hand would tighten and his posture would straighten. Like a disguise to what he truly was.

After a long and fearful walk through the eerie, dark castle. They arrive at a large door. Draco unlocks the door and he helps Ava in, closing the door behind him. It's one large room, a large four poster bed, with black sheets. A black leather sofa, black dining table and other furniture around the room. There are also weapons splayed around everywhere, swords, axes and a range of bows and arrows. Small throwing nice as well as other weapons Ava didn't know the name of.

Ava had so many questions but she couldn't find the courage or bravery to ask him. She no longer felt like the brave Gryffindor she once was.

"Come, sit," Draco said as he helped her to the sofa.

Ava flinched in pain as Draco lowered her body. Once Ava was sat, her eyes wandering around the room, Draco walked off somewhere. A few moments later he returned with a small potion flask.

"Drink this," he held it out toward her, urging her to drink.

"What is it?" Ava questioned, her voice sounds scared and unsure.

"A healing potion. It's stronger than the one they give you in the medical wing," Draco explained.

"Will it make me go to sleep?" Ava asked, she didn't want to be forced to sleep, not while she had no idea what was going on.

"No—" Draco assured her, "Drink."

Ava did as she was told and drank the potion. It's strong and tastes like mint and other fresh herbs. And already, as the potion falls down her throat, she feels more awake. Slowly the pain her body fades.

"But you should sleep," Draco said as he stood up straight. "It will help you feel better."

"Why are you doing this" Ava wanted to ask him but she didn't—too afraid of what the answer might be.

Draco seemed to notice her fear. He lowered his body, Ava tensed, her eyes flickered to his ringed hand on the armrest on the sofa, his face dropped and she looked up at him. He examined her bruised face, her eyes trying to look anywhere but his.

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