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Ava walked into her room, a small smile on her lips, still feeling Draco's lingering kiss and touch. Finally, after all this fighting, torture and hellish life something good has come out of it. Something Ava never expected but something she also had always craved. Love.

Ava's rooms still didn't feel like a home like they were supposed to. They felt only like another small fragment of this hell that has become her life. But not for much longer. There is a plan set in place and one she and the others will see through. Nothing will get in their way.

It's strange, Ava can't think of what her life will look like soon. If she'll make it and go back to normalcy again. When did life ever feel normal? And after all that she's lost, is it possible to ever feel that mundane feeling of normalcy again?

As Ava walked through into her kitchen, something made her heart stop. A strange feeling made its way up her spine when she heard a creak in the floorboards. She peered around, trying to decipher what that noise was.

Then, Theodore Nott and another assassin rounded the corner, wearing their all-black Assassins uniform, weapons attached to every inch of their body and two swords crossing their backs. And the look in their eyes was impossible to read, but Ava was sure of one thing. They weren't here for anything good.

"Ava," Theo greeted, plainly with a tensed jaw. He looked uncomfortable.

She was rendered speechless—she was confused, scared even.

"Yes?" she asked, her voice quiet and slow and she was tempted to sprint to her weapons but they would reach her before she had time.

"The Dark Lord needs to see you now," the assassin Ava didn't know the name of, raised his chin and approached her. His hair was dark, long and greasy and he was a heavy build.

"Why?" she asked, her heart pounding inside her chest. Every part of her body was begging her to run but she was frozen in place.

Neither of them answered her pleading question, instead, they gripped her arms harshly and began dragging her small body out of her apartment.

"Why?" she asked again, "What have I done?"

She tried to fight against their hold but it was impossible. Ava had become strong but not strong enough. Tears welled in her eyes as her feet skidded across the floor. These two boys were once her classmates and now they were dragging her down the corridor, holding her in a painful grasp, taking her to the Dark Lord.

She had a terrible feeling inside her stomach. Did the Dark Lord find out what she was planning? That she has been working against him? No that's impossible, that was not even twelve hours ago they decided on a plan and Victor was a careful man. He wouldn't get them caught.

Before Ava knew it she was before the two large doors which would have once led into the great hall. Now the hall is a dark place where Voldemort likes to spend his time. Was she about to be killed like Hermione was? Ava wiggled in their grip but it only made them hold onto her more painfully.

Theo and the greasy assassin stopped when they reached the doors and Ava heard nothing but the pounding thud of her petrified heart. And then, slowly, the doors creaked open. Ava turned her head up to Theo, her eyes wet with tears and wide with desperation. Theo clenched his jaw and looked straight ahead, he didn't dare look down at her.

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