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Listen to In This Shirt by The Irrepressibles
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Ava stared into Draco's dark eyes yet she became lost in the brightness of blues that swirled. He stared back at her, however, his eyes were darting between hers like he was trying to figure something out. He truly did seem lost in despair in those eyes of his.

Ava saw just how desperate he was. Like he was trying to tell her something, wanted to tell her something but he didn't know how. As though his tongue was lost of words.

What had happened to the cruel bully she remembered him to be? And why is she feeling such things for him, especially in times like these?

"Because I'm afraid you'll look at me differently," he whispered with such sadness in his voice.

No, he wasn't lost for the words to speak but he was afraid. It only made her so much more curious.

The war and the fires outside her windows disappeared as she peered into his eyes, his hand still pressed against her chin and his body still stood close. His warm breath tickled her cheek. The cruel words he had spat at her in school became a forgotten memory, becoming nothing.

"Tell me, Draco," she whispered back, "please—Draco—I need to know."

He blinked and when he did a single tear fell down his pale cheek. She had never seen him cry before, nor had she ever noticed how handsome he was. Ava wiped his tear away. She wasn't sure why, she just did it.

"I need to know, Draco," she pleaded. She needed to know, not because she were curious. But because she was confused. She had been confused. All this time she had felt so, so scared, so lost, so worthless and so many times she had felt like giving up.

But, Draco, he has been there. That cruel stuck-up Slytherin who only cared about supremacy and had such hatred for her and her friends. He helped her. He had been there for her more than anyone. He protected her, made her feel strong and has saved her life without either of them realising.

She needed to know.

"Promise me you won't hate me," Draco muttered.

"I promise," Ava nodded, despite the fear that crawled up her spine.

Draco's lips thinned and his eyes remained puddled with tears but they became lost in hers, "Ava, all this time I have done the things I've done for one reason," Draco began and Ava looked at him confused,

"—In school I was such a dick to your friends. But I never said a hateful word to you," his eyes seemed to meet hers even though he had already been looking at her, "my friends used to plan ways to torment you and your friends but I always made sure you stayed out of it."

His words were only making her far more confused.

"As I got older, I grew into this hatred, I was so angry that I could never tell you how I truly felt. I hated seeing you upset because of what my friends and I did. Even though I never aimed any of it at you," Draco let out, "and then when the war began and I was forced into this life, all I could think about was how glad I never did. I was glad I never involved you in any of it."

"Draco, I don't understand," Ava whispered shaking her head. Her own eyes watering.

"Shh," Draco grabbed her cheeks and gently caressed them so her eyes met his once more, "Just let me explain."

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