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The way Draco was looking at her made her feel like she was in a room of thousands. His gaze was so intense that it made the hairs on her arms rise and a storm of butterflies fill her belly. Every muscle in her body wanted to run out of the tent. But her legs wouldn't move.

As intense as Draco's eyes were she couldn't help but admire how tight his jaw was clenched and notice the way his black top stretched around his muscles. Was he angry? Or was he disappointed?

She didn't notice how silent the room was or how her eyes seemed to zone out, only focusing on the anger and alluring darkness Draco radiated.

A thud came from outside and she blinked once, blinking away the trance she had fallen into.

"I should go," she blurted out, breaking eye contact and making a quick run out of the tent.

She didn't look back or give Draco any last countenance. All she could think about was how good the cold air felt against her skin, Ava hadn't realised her risen body temperature or the drop of sweat falling slowly down her back. She walked fast and strong. But her head was all over the place.

She didn't take any final glances around the camp and only took in her surroundings when she reached the dark hill that lead back to the castle.

The moon was full and bright. The only beautiful thing left in this evil, destroyed world. But hopefully, this plan will lead to a new world. One where she can live without fear and worry. One where people can live happily.

"Ava," a strong name called out from behind her.

She froze and then turned her head. She knew it was Draco, she'd recognised his voice from anywhere now. Sometimes she even found herself wanting to hear his voice. Searching for it in crowds — Always looking for that. . . safety.

"I need to talk to you," Draco said, his voice shaky like he had chased after her.

She wanted to talk to him too but she feared what he might say. What he might think of her for lying to him. For keeping a secret like this? For making a deal with a man who was often referred to as a devil.

"What about?" a mindless question to ask but she wasn't sure what else to say. And she was still a little hot from the dangerous places her mind had ventured to minutes ago when admiring him. 

He took a few steps closer, closing the gap between them. She wanted to run away. He terrified her, made her heart skip a beat and pulses her blood so fast through her body that she felt she might explode. But it was a good feeling. She wasn't scared of him but of how he made her feel.

"About you. About what you've been doing in secret," He began, "for how long have you been working alongside Victor."

Every breath she let out was forced, "since the day Victor came to the tower and attacked me," she noticed the flicker of tension in his jaw, "When he asked to speak to me, he told me he wasn't loyal to the dark lord. That he had a plan to kill him and he wanted my help."

Draco raised his chin, his shock was not hidden, "he wanted your help?"

"Yes," Ava answered, "from the moment we were alone in that room, his entire aura changed and I knew I could trust him."

"He is a dangerous man and has lived many lifetimes," Draco stepped closer to her, "you have no idea what he has done and what he is capable of."

"I know that but all that matters now is what he is going to do," Ava's brows furrowed and she truly believed Victor was going to end this war, "whatever he has done doesn't compare to what the dark lord had done and will do if we don't stop him."

Draco was silent for a moment as he seemed to take in her words, "I just don't want anything to happen to you."

Her chin lifted as she breathed a heavily, "If this plan is seen through then nothing will."

"It's dangerous."

"It's a risk I don't care taking."

Draco turned away. His tall frame swaying to the side in such rage. She could see his chest heaving and all she could think about was how badly she wanted to place her hand upon it. It was foolish to think about such things in a moment like this but she could not control it.

"If anything—"

That was it — she couldn't help it — Ava stepped forward, the last remaining gap disappearing into the tense air and her hand gripped his arm. Her grasp must have surprised him because he froze and didn't finish his words.

She could feel his large muscles beneath her hand and through his clothing. Her eyes went to her hand, and slowly her thumb rubbed back and forth. She looked up at him as they locked eyes. Everything around them disappeared and that darkness she found so alluring, sparkled straight through her.

He looked at her in such a way that made her want to kiss him.

She gasped lightly as his large hand gripped her small arm and her eyes went straight to it. His hand was. . . protective and she loved it. She enjoyed how he looked at her.

His other hand came to her chin and gently forced her eyes back to his captivating ones.

"If anything happens to you I'd lose it," Draco whispered but his voice was a low, heavy growl that made the hairs on her arms spike and a cold but warm chill crawl down her back and made places that shouldn't flutter with desire and need.

She wanted to kiss him.

"You mean more to me that I admit," she could only stare into his eyes as he spoke, "you are the only reason I am here still. You make me want to survive in this dangerous world. No— you make me want live. . . to fight and make this world better. To make it beautiful again. Solely for you."

Now she really wanted to kiss him and make him hers forever.

Never had she heard such words that warmed her heart. And she couldn't resist it any longer. Ava leant up and kissed his lips. The warmth of his lips met hers and it wasn't long before they were tangled in one another. Every inch of her body was on fire and she felt like she never wanted to breathe again if it wasn't with him.

His hands grasped her waist and pulled her closer to his torso and his lips were so strong against hers that it made her want his hands and lips in other places. She wanted to let her mind free and tell him every last dirty thought in her mind.

She gripped his hair and felt the muscles on his neck. She liked how he was so strong. What would he feel like atop of her?

This kiss assured her that she will see this plan through, just so she could see his bare chest and the defined muscles of his shoulders as he did things to her, that had never been done before. She remembered hearing stories about her friends back in Hogwarts who had been sexually active. She recalled feeling allured by it. But that sort of love never found her.

Yes, she had been kissed. Once a sloppy quick kiss from Harry in second year (that they never spoke of again). And a few better kisses from others over the years but she never thought like this about those boys.

She never wanted to end the war for them, she never wanted to feel them on her body.

This life has been cruel to Ava but she isn't a girl anymore. She is a woman. An assassin. Voldemort wanted an assassin but he has only created a warrior. A warrior who will kill soon him.


Insta - @ kirsten.enn

Copyright © Kirsten Enn

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