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Ava woke up. The same time every day and she did the same thing she does every morning. She rarely spoke to the others anymore. She doesn't do it on purpose. She wants to talk to them and hang out with them. But doing that seems so foreign now. They can't talk about their day, they can't hang out and have a good time. Why? Because they are living in hell.

The dark lord won the war and the wizarding world has fallen. She has no idea what it's like beyond these walls. How can they do normal things—things that they used to do—when thousands of people are dead and are still being killed.

All they can do now is try and survive.

Ava has also been going out into the arena and practising her fighting skills and getting extra hours of training. She isn't sure what would happen to her if she was to get caught but the only person who has seen her in the training hall, is Malfoy.

He walks through at the same time each night. At least every night that she has noticed him. She isn't sure if he has noticed her or if he cares. It makes her wonder if she's allowed to be in there at those hours. Surely not. But he doesn't say anything.

As Ava walks out of the bathroom from getting dressed, she notices Seamus looking at her. She ignores him and makes her way back over to her bed.

"Where is it you've been sneaking off to each night?" he questions her. Catching the attention of George and Dean. Ginny also, who is sat with a crying Hermione.

"What?" Ava muttered, still facing her bed.

"You heard me!" he growled.

Her heart was pounding in her chest. She felt the back of her neck beginning to sweat.

"Where have you been going?" he repeated himself.


"Ava?" Dean said, "are you alright?"

"I'm fine" Ava responded.

"My guess is that you've been going to meet one of the trainers? Trying to get special treatment?" Seamus sighed, "probably been sucking one of them off too"

"That's enough!" George stood to his feet.

"For goodness sake! She doesn't need you to protect her" Seamus threw his hands in the air, "besides she will be reason we'll all be dead too soon."

"No!" Ava spoke up.

"You will betray us. You most likely ready have. What happened to your escape plan?" Seamus quizzed her.

"What do you think I'm doing," she sighed in annoyance.

"I think you are going behind our backs, sneaking off with the trainers at night and fucking them like the slut you are" Seamus spat, "trying to get special treatment."

"Think what you like" Ava began walking out, "I'm only trying to get out of this alive"


All morning Ava trained. Her thoughts were going crazy, spinning around in her head. Seamus words repeating over and over in her head. Her punches were stronger. Her kicks filled with more power. She worked herself too hard. But she couldn't help it. Her anger was simply too much.

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