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Ava was left in a confused state all night. She was already restless and now Draco kissed her, then left her, standing all alone like a fool. She lay in bed with the taste of Draco still lingering on her lips like a cruel reminder. She couldn't help but question if it was her fault he walked away.

Had she been a bad kisser? Surely not, that wasn't the first kiss the two of them have shared. But Ava also found herself questioning if this should even be something she should be worried about. In a world like this, what this world has become, is there even room for love and kissing.

But there must be a reason why she finds herself tangled in a kiss with Draco Malfoy. The boy who bullied her and her friends for years. And she definitely shouldn't be enjoying it either.

Ava must have found sleep because that was her last thought before she opened her eyes to the sun shining into the small room as she lay uncomfortably on the bed. Her eyes opened to find the stone wall in front of her.

Then, suddenly, she jumped when she heard shuffling and sat up immediately. She turned around to find Draco sitting on a dark wooden chair, arms resting on his knees as he looked at Ava with worried eyes.

"Draco?" Ava breathed.

"I apologise," Draco sat up, wiping his chin, "I didn't want to wake you."

"It's okay," Ava replied, "you just. . . scared me, that's all."

Their kiss replayed in her mind. She was suddenly reminded of the feeling of his hands on her body. She blinked the thought away quickly.

"I came back as soon as I could," Draco stood, "but when I saw you sleeping — well I knew you don't get much sleep, so I let you be."

Ava listened as he approached her. A bundle of nerves filled her stomach. Was he going to kiss her again? Does she want him to kiss her again?

"Are you still in pain?" He questioned as he hesitantly sat beside her. Only then did she notice the small bag he held.

"I— no." Ava responded, although her head pounded and the pain in her ribs was still present.

But the pain had become a familiar feeling. A feeling she's used to now.

Draco looked at her, almost like he knew she was lying.

"I can't wipe away the blood or make it obvious you got any medical care," Draco explained, "It would be to risky. If the dark lord found out—"

"It's okay," Ava told him, "I understand."

Draco's lips formed into a thin line as he surveyed her face. His expression unreadable. Then he pulled out two smalls bottles from his bag.

"For the pain," he told her.

Ava thanked him as she took the bottles and took them both back, drinking the sour liquid. Almost immediately the pain in her head vanished and the pain in her ribs began to fade.

She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and then found his eyes still lingering on hers. He almost seemed to want to say something.

"I should go," he said.

He should. Ava knew he shouldn't even be here and is risking a great deal with everything that he has done for Ava. And still, she is unsure why.

Draco stood. His tall figure hovered over Ava for a moment longer. He went to walk away but froze again.

"Tomorrow?" he spoke as though he had been dying to bring up the subject, "are you ready?"

If Ava was being honest, she had almost forgotten about it. Fighting In the arena, completing tests to see if she is good enough. To see if she has become the monster Voldermort hoped her to be.

"Yes," Ava answered.

That was a lie. She wasn't sure if she was ready. She knew she can fight, she knew she was strong, but will she meet Voldermort's expectations. She doesn't even know what the tests will consist of.

But she answered yes because of the deal she made with Victor.

He promised to keep her alive no matter what. And only if she is alive will she be able to kill Voldermort and seek her revenge.

"I will be watching, so if anything happens—" Draco looked away, a hint of anger glistening in his eyes, "I won't hesitate to help."

"Draco, you can't do anything that'll get yourself killed," Ava told him but she wanted to tell him about the deal.

Not yet.

"I won't just stand there and watch you get killed," Draco told her.

"I won't watch you get killed either," Ava replied standing up as well.

Draco watched her. His body was tensing at how close Ava had gotten.

"I'll be all right," Ava said when Draco didn't respond to her comment.


"No buts," Ava interrupted, "you have done too much for me to just end up dead."

Draco swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat.

"I have to go," He said and then hesitantly turned around, "I will see you tomorrow. Try and get more rest."

He walked out and only then did Ava realise there was a tray with food and water on that he left behind.


Insta - @ kirsten.enn

Copyright © Kirsten Enn

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