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Ava woke up on the sofa again. She slept well through the night and surprisingly Draco's sofa is more comfortable than the bed she has been sleeping in for the past weeks. She woke up and there was a hot tea on the table in front of her. She sat up confused, looking around the large room. No sign of Draco.

Warm steam was filling the air above the tea. She can't remember the last time she drank something that got and warm like this. Her hands wrapped around the warm mug as she took a sip of the sweet tea. She felt the warm liquid fill her belly.

Ava isn't exactly sure why Draco wants to help her but she knows she hasn't got many options if she wants to survive. And she does want to survive, whatever world is out there now, she is choosing to survive in it. Even if the world she once knew is gone. Her family and friends are dead and only a few remain. But she is choosing to survive in it. And maybe one day she will be happy in it.

"I wasn't sure how you liked your tea so I just made it how I like it" she turned her head to the sudden words of Draco. He stood against a wall scratching his head, slightly awkwardly.

"Oh. It's good. Thank you" Ava replied, a small smile on her lips.

"I also bought you some clothes to train in" he passed her a pile of folded clothes.

"Thank you" Ava replied. She wasn't sure how exactly to react to his strange kindness when she's only known him to be cruel.

"There's also a shower through that door" he pointed toward a door, "take as long as you need. I'll be waiting in the training room, which is through there" he directed to the other door.

"Okay" Ava responded and then he walked away, through to the training room.

Ava finished her tea quickly and then walked into the shower. She scrubbed and cleaned her body and then changed into the clothes he provided her which here are similar to the ones she usually wears. Tight but stretchy black trouser's which seemed to have pockets for weapons. A tight black sleeveless top.

She braided her hair at either side of her head and then pulled it into a high ponytail. In the mirror, she caught a glimpse of herself. Bruises, although faded slightly, remained on her face. Like a warrior who had just come back from battle. She thought it made her look strong.

Finally, she put on her shoes and left. She felt nervous for some reason as she opened the door into the training room.

The walls were black and a few long mirrors on either wall. The floor looked like it had soft padding on it. And just like in the other room weapons were scattered around the floor at the side. Boxing bags were hanging from the ceiling along with dummy's which had knives in them.

And then she saw him, holding a long sword. It was shining against the small light which hit the room. He looked up at her.

"Are you ready?" he questioned her.

Ava breathed in a deep breath, "I think so" she responded.

"Good" he threw the sword in the air toward her and she caught it with wide eyes. He picked up an identical sword in his own hand.

She has only had little practice with a sword and has little skill in it.

"The trick is to watch my every move and guess my next before I make it," He said walking toward her. Suddenly, he pushed the sword toward her neck and she blocked his move.

"Good" he replied, his voice oddly alluring.

He pulled his sword away and then quickly swung it back at her and again she blocked his sword.

"Your opponent will often move their feet or their eyes before making the move" again he swung the sword in her direction. She blocked it and he moved the sword with such ease again and again toward her and each time she blocked it. Unsure what else to do.

"So whenever you are using the sword don't make it obvious what you are going to do" this time she didn't even see his sword move. His blade was at her throat, not tucked but if she breathed too hard, her skin would be touching the sharp blade.

Her sword hung in her hand as his large, tall body lured over her. She watched a drop of sweat, slowly fall down his neck, where she saw his jaw was sharp and his shoulder were strong. He's grown a lot since school gained muscle and grew taller. He seems more intimidating but not in the way she use to fear him.

Suddenly a hand on her waist, spinning her around, her back on his chest and his sword in front of her neck, his hand on her stomach. His breath was warm on her ear.

"And most importantly, never get distracted" his voice was quiet but somehow much deeper.

What is she doing? She is supposed to be learning to fight not admiring the assassin before her.

Suddenly, she was snapped back into her tight mind and she used her foot to push out his foot, she heard a loud thump against the floor. She turned quickly, her sword pointing towards his chest as she stood beside his fallen body.

A proud smirk on his lips as he looked up at her, "You're a fast learner"

Ava removed her sword and instead offered her hand to him. He looked at her hand then back at her. His large hand grasped hers and he stood to his feet. Now it was Draco who was standing over her.


Copyright © 90swh0r3

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