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Ava didn't get an ounce of sleep last night. She couldn't. She heard the metal bang on the door as she heard the others start to wake up. But she remained still. Staring at the wall. That's how she had been for hours. Her body was still but her mind was elsewhere. Seeing Blaise's knife on Finn's neck. Watching as his body hit the floor with a thump. It just kept replaying. Over and over like an endless tormenting loop.

It hit her that there was no way out of this alive. Ava had two options. She could either take the easy way out and end her life, or she could become the assassin Voldermort wants her to be.

Like George said, just go along with it, become trusted and then it will be easier to escape. But she is scared that she won't be able to do that. What if she becomes like the others? She doesn't want to lose the little part of her soul she has left.

"C'mon Ava. We have to go" she felt a hand on her shoulder, she rolled over and saw Dean bent down beside her.

She couldn't form any words. So instead she simply smiled and nodded. Dean replaced her smile as Ava forced her body out of the uncomfortable bed she was in.

"Hey—" Ava felt a hand on her wrist, stopping her from walking, "—Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Course" Ava lied.

"Good" Dean responded, unsure whether or not Ava was telling the truth, "you can always talk to me if not!"

"I know" Ava smiled and then got ready for the tortures day ahead of her.


Ava walked down the steps of their so called room. The hall looked how it did yesterday with training equipment and small arenas around the large hall. But today everyone was in their groups looking less confused but still, the fear remained on everyone's faces.

Ava smiled at Dean as he walked over to his group and Ava walked over to hers. She stood next to Cho who gave her a small smile. A smile which showed that she was sorry that they both were going through this. Kind of a silent way of saying "I'm here".

The group waited a few minutes before Blaise walked over to them.

"Good morning, " Blaise said almost sarcastically, as he threw a handful of boxing gloves on the ground.

"We need to build up your strength. So for the first month of your training each and everyday you will come down here and work hard. You can use any of the equipment in this hall." Blaise explained.

"Now its up to you how hard you work—" he laughed slightly, "—I mean at the end of the day it's your life on the line"

He caught my eyes with mine, "how badly do you want to live?" he questioned.

"Boxing is a good and fast way to build up your strength in your arms, abdomen and legs," Blaise said, "you can go off and do your own thing but I will be here to help you if you want to start with boxing."

For some reason, Ava felt motivated to start her training. She wanted to become stronger. She needs to if she wants to escape.

Most of the group began talking, pointing to other areas in the training hall. Ava stood confused about what she wanted to do. She watched as two members of her group moved over to the boxing gloves.

Ava decided to join them.

As she walked over to them. Blaise watched her. Like he wanted her to join them. But Ava took no notice of it.

Blaise began to explain the basic method of boxing. He showed them how to wear gloves and how to stand in the correct positions. He told them to hit the bag with their left hand, then right hand, then left hand and then switch to the right hand, left hand, right hand. And repeat.

So Ava did.

At first, it hurt her weak arms and hands, and the boxing bag barely moved. The other two seemed to get the hang of it quickly but they looked stronger than her thin build.

But she didn't give up. She kept going. Ignoring the pain coming from her knuckles. Throughout the hours of the day, Blaise would watch her for a few seconds. He saw the desperation and eagerness in her.

Blaise had left, leaving them to their training and Ava kept on. She would have little breaks and she would stop and go do some press-ups and push-ups to help her.

It did help but she worked herself too much. To the point where her head hurt and she felt as though she would pass out any second. It was almost the end of the day so she went and sat on the bench where she drank some water.

Blaise had walked in with Draco at his side. They were talking quietly as they noticed Ava sat on the bench. They watched as she took off the gloves and they saw her knuckles were covered in blood.

"Shit" Ava cursed to herself, seeing the blood on her hands.

"Here" she heard a deep unfamiliar voice.

She looked up from her bloody hand and first she saw a small wet towel. She looked further up and immediately felt her throat tense. It was Draco Malfoy. Ava wondered how she didn't hear or see him walk over to her. He stood with his hair messily hanging over his forehead, in an all-black suit with his sleeves rolled up. He looked older, stronger and for some reason Ava was afraid.

"Are you going to take it, or—"

Ava looked down at the wet towel and swallowed the lump in her throat before taking it. Draco bought his hands into his pocket as he watched her place the wet towel on her knuckles, wiping the blood away.

She looked back up at Draco who was still starting her, "Thank you" she said quietly with a nervous pit in her stomach.

"You are welcome," Draco said, then turned and walked away, taking long steps out of the hall. Ava watched him until he completely left. Her mind spinning with questions at his small act of kindness from the cruel man.


At dinner, Ava decided she needed to gain back the weight she had lost. Her body still looked like a skeleton with zero muscle and fat on her bones. She decided to add extra to her plate. She ate it all, ignoring the pain which came from her full belly.

Although Ava still felt like a prisoner in this hell she knew she could make it through. She just had to believe in herself. Ava has been through to much just to end it with death. She doesn't want to die she wants to survive.


Copyright © 90swh0r3

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