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Draco was unsure how long the kiss lasted but he knew he wanted it to last forever longer. Finally feeling her lips on his was something he'd never get used to and never wanted to either. He loved the way he felt when he was with her like there was a possibility. A never-ending bliss.

Her lips were swollen and rosy and that made him want to kiss her again. His hand rested against the side of her face and the back of her warm neck. Her eyelashes fluttered down to his lips and he watched the cloud of cold air escape her mouth and then her eyes were back on his.

"Can I tell you something that might ruin this moment?" Ava spoke and Draco loved how her voice was quiet and raspy.

"Yes," he replied.

Ava took a deep breath and said, "I want to be with you and I don't mean just by your side. I mean, when this is all over I don't want us to go separate ways."

Draco wondered how that possibly would have ruined their moment and understood how deeply she meant when she said together.

"I want that more than anything," Draco couldn't help the smile that spread across his lips making his dimples show.

"You do?" Ava asked.

"Yes, Ava, of course," he said, "I've told you how I feel about you—how I felt about you in school. I don't think I've ever felt like this about anyone. There hasn't been anyone else, it's only ever been you."

"—and I can't possibly imagine a life without you," Draco continued as he stared her so deeply in her eyes which were brighter than the moon above their heads, "even though I've hidden my feelings from you for so long. I often wonder if I told you sooner, back in school, would things be different or would I have only ruined you sooner."

"You think you've ruined me?" Ava asked.

"I hate that you've seen such darkness and evil things," Draco admitted, looking away from her for a moment, "I hate that you've been forced to become this killer."

"That's not your fault, Draco," Ava assured him, "It's Voldemort's! It's this war."

He nodded, still feeling his guilt buried deep inside him and he feared that guilt would remain until he took his last breath.

"We should go back inside," Draco said, lowering his hand to her waist, "before we are seen."

"Okay," Ava agreed, turning her body toward the castle and still feeling his hand. And his hand remained on her waist, hidden under her cloak as they walked through the dark corridors. They walked in silence but it was a nice silence.


Until they were interrupted and a wave of fear flooded over them. Draco turned first, his hand still on Ava's waist and his body standing a little in front of Ava.

"Zabini," Draco said, his voice deeper and stronger than before. Even his posture seemed stronger. Even tho he was in the presence of an old friend, someone Draco still trusted and confided in.

"The lord wants to see you now," Blaise said, his words shaky and he seemed a little out of breath. His eyes darted to Ava, he had been someone who had trained Ava but she'd never seen him look so uneasy before.

Draco must have noticed it too because his hand lowered from her waist and to his side. Blaise saw his hand but didn't seem surprised like he almost knew. Oh no. Now Ava was nervous and she didn't want Draco to go. If anything, Ava wanted to grab his hand and run away to the ends of the earth with him.

"We should go now, Malfoy," Blaise continued, "he isn't in the mood to be kept waiting."

Draco turned to Ava and just stared. Almost like he had a million words to say but couldn't find the right ones. Ava only nodded, understanding. And with no further words, she stepped back away from Draco, looked at Blaise who seemed awfully troubled and then to Draco. . .

Oh, she wanted to kiss him and hug him and beg him not to go but she knew she couldn't. So she turned and walked away.


"How worried should I be?" Draco questioned Blaise, his eyes remaining forward and their long, fast strides screamed a great power.

"You've been keeping a secret from the dark lord, you should be running away, not walking with me," Blaise shook his head, but not because he was disappointed or because he didn't know what was going on between Ava and Draco. But because he was scared of what was going to happen to his friend.

"How does he know?" Draco asked.

"Barret and Kingsley saw you kissing Ava on the hill," Blaise said, "they went running straight to the lord like it'd get the more house points."

Draco almost laughed at the joke referring to their old school days.

"How did they see us?" Draco asked.

"You were stood in the middle of the hill, you weren't exactly trying to avoid being caught!" Blaise's anger seeped through, "and they were on guard by the entrance."

"Fuck," Draco growled.

Draco knew he should have been worried when he saw there was no one on guard when he and Ava walked through. Merlin, Draco could have punched the wall he was so angry with himself. Whatever happens, he'll make sure Ava is kept out of it. At least, he'll try his best.

The entrance to the great hall was ahead of them now and Draco pushed away any fear or any nerves away and turned it into a cold hidden rage. He did it for himself and most of all for Ava. You could almost see how dark Draco had turned in his facial features and even in how loosely his hair hung messily over his face. How he now had darker eyes, and not necessarily the colour but his gaze.

How every detail and feature on his face was strong and sharp. He was pale, like death and it only made the shadows that they pass seem strangely darker.

His was death-like.

Everything about him was dark. And he had a plan which might ruin everything but it was better than seeing Ava dead.

"If anything happens to me, help Ava get out of here before he goes after her," Draco asked, a selfish thing of his friend but Blaise looked at him once and nodded.

"I will do everything I can," Blaise promised, "but you need to convince him you are still loyal to him and only him."

The large grand doors in front of them opened and they gave each other a final nod before looking ahead and letting only their dark sides show.


Insta - @ Kirsten.enn

Copyright © Kirsten Enn

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