Chapter 2

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Chaeyoung POV

"Buddy. Come on. I'm already late." I said to Haneul.

"Wait dada. I didn't kiss nana yet." He said.

"Mom, come on. I'm late. We need this job. Do you got everything lil champ?" I asked.

"Yes dada. Food. Food. Food. Toys. All here." He said cute.

"Where is you book? And how many food did you bring?" I said.

"Book here. 1 for Hanna. 1 for Yuna and 1 for me." He said show his finger to me.

"Here Chaeyoung. Your lunch. Bye bye lil champ. See you at lunch okay. Muahhh." Mom kiss Haneul and me.

Now, we run to the bus stop. As we arrived at bus stop unlucky for us, the bus just move. Now, we have to wait another 20 minute for the next bus.

"Relax dada. You good. They will fired you." He said confident.

"You want they to fired me? How could you? I just got an interview yet you already want me to got fired?" I said pouting to him.

"Don't cry dada. You good. They will like you. Like me. Hanna and Yuna like me." Again he said confident.

I just laugh at him. He just 3 years old but already become a player. I should taught him to respect woman next time.

"Hey cub! Get in!" Voice can be hear.

Its Jeongyeon. I didn't waste anytime get in her car. She's actually come from rich family but her parent always busy travel around to expand they business. While Jeongyeon didn't show any interest to heir their business. She started her own business which is a cafe.

"Mom told you're late for your interview. That's why I'm here. Let's get you first there then I will send Haneul to his school. Alright lil cham?" Jeongyeon said.

"Yes. Let's get fired!!" Haneul said.

"Woah, your dada not even get the job yet you already swore your dada get fired? Its not fired buddy. Its hired. Let's get the job! That's the right word." Jeongyeon correct him.

"Opps. I'm sorry dada. Let's get the job!!" He said excited.

"Thank you buddy." I said bump fist with him.

Then, we arrived at MYoui company. Yes the spelling its like that. Cute right? I say goodbye to both of them and fix my clothes. I'm nervous but I know my ability. Hope they like me. I busy admired this place until I bumped into someone. Opps. Not so lucky day to me.

Mina POV 

"Mina. I don't care. This time you have to go. Last time you just let him waiting without telling anything. Lucky, he understanding. So, please. Have a dinner with him to apologise about last time." Dad said.

"I already told you I was busy." I said eating my sandwish.

"Mina.." Dad said with his dad tone whenever he mad.

I just rolled my eyes. "Fine. But, just 30 minute. Then, I'm off." I said.

"Jihyo!!! Let's go. We already late." I shouted and went out to the car.

Arghh, I really don't want to go. But, I know if I speak or argue with dad, he will make sure double from this he will do it. And he will never stop nagging at me. My head hurt because of stress and I need 'Minaricano'.

"Let's go." Jihyo said to our driver as soon she went inside the car panting.

"I need my 'minaricano'." I said laid back my head on the seat closing my eyes.

Being my good sister, friend and secretary, Jihyo know what I mean and told our driver to stop to buy my coffee. While I try to take a nap. This is the one time I get some rest so, they didn't bother to disturb me. As we arrived at the company, Jihyo wake me up and give me my coffee. We went in and the employee greet me and Jihyo. Then, suddenly someone bumped into me make my coffee fell all over on his shirt.

"We're sorry sir. Let me help you." Jihyo said.

"No. No. I'm the one should say sorry to you guys. Its my fault. I busy to admired this place and didn't see you guys." He said softly. His voice was raspy yet soft.

I turn my face to facing him. I can see he holding his shirt which is full on coffee. Its must be hurt and hot. My eyes widen and I can't stop looking at him. His face is handsome yet beautiful. His big eyes. His pointed nose. His dimple when ever he smile. His lips look so soft and full. I just stand there statue until someone nudge me.

"Hey, are you okay? He already go. Did you see him? He's so handsome yet beauty. Arghh. I forget to ask his name or number." Jihyo said excited and frustrated.

I clear my throat to make her stop babbles. Jihyo is talking too much but lucky to me, she doesn't notice that I been looking at the guys. If not, I think she won't stop tease and talking more than she used to be. She's really can be so loud. And I don't want that.

"Stop it. Let's go. Oh ya, go get another one for me." I said.

As soon as I arrived at my office, I start doing my work without said anything. Jihyo the other hand, keep remind me about my scheduled including tonight event.

"Oh yaa, don't forget tonight dinner date with Park Jimin. But, I must say he such a casanovas. I don't like it." Jihyo said.

I stop doing my work and wearing a smirk on my face. An idea coming up to my mind. "So, how about you help me this time? Do you want to see me with the casanovas? Do you want to see me hurt if I do fall in love with him?" I said with my puppy eyes.

"But dad want-." Jihyo said but stop when she saw me pouting to her.

"Fine.!! Don't you look at me like that again." Jihyo said and went out.

Whenever I make that face she will always fall for it. I know how she always care, love and protect me like me was her youngest sister even she more young than me. That's why she can't resist me. One for me zero for dad.

Then, I continue my work. But suddenly, that guy face flash in my mind. I shake my head quickly as I want to clear up my mind. I don't even know him. I think I need some 'me time'. Its been a long time I got my 'me time'. Lately, my work just don't stop as I just got new investor and new partner. Besides, my company also well known in this country. So, I have to double up my work to keep maintaining and that's make me get more work to do to keep my reputation.

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