Chapter 21

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Chaeyoung POV

I keep on walking not knowing exactly where to go. I just wanna air out this pain and understand what happening. I just can't breath and feeling hurt after what happen. I know we agree to not letting anyone know about our marriage but, she really have to deny me? She's carry my child for god sake. I know I'm not as rich and successful as her but, can she at least care about my feeling and give some credit to me?

After 30 minute walk around don't know where to go, I could see a park. There not much people maybe its middle of the day. Then, I saw a family with their children. I could only smile seeing them and can't help to think if I and Mina will be like them. Happy and cheer for each other. I just could sigh for my thought. Sitting down in the bench at the park, I pull my phone and call someone that I know maybe could cheer me up beside Haneul.

"Hey what's wrong?" The person answer almost immediately.

"Yo, that's how you greet people on the phone?" I said.

"Haa, right. Then, should I talk like this? Well, hello sir, how may I be of service?" She said talking with fake British accent.

"Stop it. You sound like sheep getting hit by the car." I answer laughing.

"Wow, how could you insult my accent. Well, you know me mate. Normal is boring." She talk back in sort of Scottish accent this time. I think?

"Wow. God. I miss you!" I said after hysteric laugh. She really know how to cheer me up.

"I miss you too. I wish I could visit you soon, but-." I cut her off.

"But, you're too busy. Work was holding you up and whatever. Don't worry. I understand." I said with sigh.

"What's wrong with the sigh in the end? Everything okay?" She said. I can hear her concern in her voice.

"Nothing much. Just everything not going so smooth lately. You know some work stuff. Overload work and so on. I just want to take a breath for while."  I said avoiding the real problem.

"You know, sometimes life didn't always go like we wish for. Sometimes we need to understand that life gives us situation that may look difficult but its actually help us to be mature and build us more character." She said.

"How I wish you didn't go. How I wish to have you famous cookies and hot chocolate right now to brighten my mood. How I wish could hug you right now." I mumbles.

"I promised that I will make it for you as soon I visit you later. I really miss you too so much and how I know you want some hug right now." She replied.

"Yeah, you know how to cheer me up. Thank you. Hmm. I think I better hang up now. You must be busy with a lot of work and I'm becoming a bother to you." I said.

"Stop it. You never be bother to me. I always one call away if you need me. I love you! Remember that okay. So, stop thinking you're bother." She replied.

"Okay okay. I know and I love you too. I will hang up now. My lunch break will end and I'm hungry. Bye!" I said.

"Okay. Love you more. Take care and don't overwork. Be safe okay? Bye." She said and we end the called.

Talking to her always calm and cheer me up. She always know what to said and how to calm me. I miss her so much. I know I keep a secret from her but I can't said anything to her as I promised not to let anyone know about our marriage. I just keep sitting on the bench and spotted a father and his son playing a swing. I just smile remember how Haneul like to play the swing every time we go park.

Again, I can't help to think my future with Mina and our baby. How will my kid grow up having a normal life. Probably not because of Mina status, I don't know how to picture myself to that thought. I shake off my thought and make my way to Jeongyeon cafe. She's the other one who know me better. Maybe she can cheer me up more and shed some light into my situation. Entering the cafe the pleasant smell of coffee welcomed me. This place surely have this vibes that I need right now. Jeongyeon spotted me and quickly run to me. To be truth, I barely visit her cafe lately.

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