Chapter 11

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- Surprised!! Its my birthday. So, I'm gonna post extra chapter for today. Yeay!! Its my present to you guys who support me. Enjoy it 😘 -

Mina POV

"My god, I'm gonna be aunty. I'm so happy." Jihyo said excited and happy.

But, I don't know how to feel. I didn't know my tears already fell until Jihyo wiped it up.

"Mina? Are you okay?" She asked.

"Jihyo. How I'm gonna tell dad? What if he mad and disappointed on me?" I said already crying.

Jihyo just hug me and rubbed my back to calm me. Then, she pull away and look at me.

"Who's the father? We have to told him about this." Jihyo asked me serious.

I don't know how to told her. I know who is the father but would she believe me? What will she think of me about know the truth. I don't know how to told her.

"Actually its she not he." I said look down.

"Eh? What are you talking about?" She asked me confused.

"Its Chaeyoung." I said.

"What? I-I don't get it." Jihyo said confused.

"The one that I share a night with, it chaeyoung. I swear I thought she is he. That's why when I see her, I was shocked. At first I don't want to believe it. But after I investigate, she's actually an intersex. That's why I misunderstood last night." I explain to her.

"Wow! Just wow. That Chaeyoung? Our hot manager? That Chaeyoung who can turn straight woman fall for her? Wow!! You just win a lottery girl." Jihyo said excited.

"Haa?" I'm a bit confused.

"You don't know? Every woman in this company try hard to get her attention. Try hard to make she fall for them. But, didn't know you already win the lottery." Jihyo said laughing.

"Arrghh!! How I'm gonna tell dad? Should I told her too? What if-." I stop from saying.

Jihyo notice my face sudden change. She walk close to me and pat my shoulder. She sigh.

"What if she's like you ex? Minari. Even I'm younger than you, but I think I should give an advice to you. Not everyone same as him. He such a loser. He didn't know what he lose when he leave you for another woman. I know how hard you work to get yourself right here. I'm glad that you're my sister. Even we didn't share same blood but you're my sister. You're the one who always there for me. And with that I'm also here for you. Take my advice. Take the risk. For what I see about Chaeyoung, she's different. I know you can feel it too. So, let your heart make her way. Just tell her. If she don't want and leave. I'm here for you. But I don't think she will leave. Trust me." Jihyo said softly to me.

She's right. Not everyone same as him. He was my first love, first for everything and was my first heartbreaker. I do dream to have a family before. I was dream to have a family with him become a good wife as all woman dream. But, my dad company was having a problem and I have to work hard to handle it. And that time, he decide to leave me with another woman. Our relationship for 3 years just destroy just like that as his reason I'm too busy and didn't have time for him. He leave me when I need someone the most. Because of him I don't believe in love. I promise to myself for not fall in love again. But, should I put my trust in Chaeyoung? I really don't know.

"Hey, are you okay? You're spacing out again." Jihyo asked.

"Hmm yeah. I'm okay. I'm just thinking how I should told dad about this." I reply.

"Don't worry. I believe he can handle it well." Jihyo said calm me down.

Chayeoung POV

As I ready to pick Haneul at my mom work, I saw one figure struggle to stand. Being much busbody, I run to him and hold him before he fall.

"Are you okay Sir?" I asked.

"Hmm. Yeah, I'm just a bit dizzy. Maybe because of my blood pressure." He said looking pale.

"Hmm, do you want me to take you to clinic or hospital?" I asked him again.

"Its okay. I'm okay. I just need some rest." He said.

But, again being a busybody I drag him to the entrance and calling a cab. I took him to the hospital as I don't want something happened to him. I know it because my dad always like this. End up, he laid on hospital bed.

"Hmm. I told you I'm okay. No need to go hospital." He said again.

"But sir, your face already pale. I can't take a risk. I'm worried if something happen to you. So, no more excuse. I will take you to the hospital." I said to him.

He just shake his head and smiling. After a minute we arrived at the hospital. The doctor check on him and told him to admit in hospital. He look at me like a kid with pout. He don't want to be admit at hospital but that's the best for him.

"But, doctor told it the best for you. Beside, you can take a rest here. Like a vacation?" I said.

"I don't want to. My daughter will be worried if I was admit in hospital. I promise to take care of myself. Please." He begging me with his puppy eyes.

His face remind me of someone but I can't think about it. Then, my phone ring. I told him to wait for me and I take the called. It was my mom.

"Hello Chae? Where are you? Haneul keep asking for you." Mom said.

"Hmm. I'm sorry. I'm at hospital. Something happened. Say sorry to lil champ. Say I will make up with him later. Sorry." I said.

"Are you okay? Why are you at hospital?" Mom asked worried.

"No no. I'm okay. I just came across with someone. He face look pale and I bring him to hospital. That's all. Don't worry. I will call you later. Take care. Say to Haneul I'm sorry." I said and end up the called.

No one POV

While one the same time, someone that Chaeyoung bought to hospital also received a call. He when to pick up the call.

"Hey sweetie. Yeah. I'm okay. I'm already on my way to back home. Okay. See you a home." He said to the person on the other line.

Chaeyoung end up the called first before he, surprised not seeing him. She thought he already run away from hospital. She just smiling and shake her head. She thought he is so much more similar to her dad every time he when to hospital. She try to look for him, but failed to find him. So, she decide to paid the bill and just leave a note in case he looking for him.

The man was looking for Chaeyoung but failed. So, he decide to paid the bill but shocked as Chaeyoung already paid the bill. Then, the nurse hand in a note to him.

-I didn't find you. So, I just leave this note in case you were looking for me. Please take care of yourself. If not, your daughter will become more worried if you getting sick. I also already paid the bill. Just don't worried. Stay safe and healthy.-

He smile seeing the note. He thought she's really good person. He wish to see her again to said thank you. Then, he just went out and called his driver to pick up him.

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