Chapter 34

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Mina POV

God! What have I done? After seeing Chaeyoung standing by the door and looking at me with hurt and anger on her eyes, I immediately push Bang Chan and fix myself in hope to follow and stop her far running. I keep pressing all the elevator button but no one was opening. After waiting for a lifetime with mixed feeling I quickly went inside. Exiting the lift I keep looking for any sign of Chaeyoung, running around like crazy people didn't care about others. After an hours searching, I decide to go back to office to get my thing and go home hoping she was there. I entering my office didn't notice Bang Chan was still here waiting for me.

"Mina? What happened?" He questioned me but, I keep continue gathering my thing not minding him.

"Hey, Mina. Look at me! What's wrong with you?" He said holding my wrist forcing me to look at him.

"You! You're what's wrong?! I don't want to see or hear anything from you again! Get out!" I said forcefully pulling my wrist from him.

"What? Why? I thought we are gonna patch things up and start over again? We were good until you run off somewhere I don't know." He said holding my shoulder making me turn to him again.

"I don't want you anymore. I was happy before you came. I was happy before you force yourself back to my life again. I was just lost, depress and stress and you use that to get your way with me again. I hate you!" I said slapping him hard on the face.

"I didn't force you, you came to me willingly." He replied.

"That's because I thought you just wanted a friendship and nothing more! I HATE YOU!! Get out from my sight before I call cops on you." I yell and slapping him more.

"I won't letting you go, Mina! Mark my word!! I will have you no matter what!" He said before slamming my door.

God! What have I got myself into? I don't know myself anymore. After crying for so long I have decide to went home. Luckily I have a driver, I don't think I can drive with this state of mine. Sitting at the backseat I can't help but remember where everything started.


Chaeyoung was gone for two weeks now, she still calls every time she have time but not much. Apparently, its take longer than expected before she could come back. I'm not really clear of the problem since she only reports to dad and when I ask dad he will only said that everything is okay. I have also slumped with a work and spending time with the kids that sometimes I just sleep even with my work clothes. I miss my wife. I'm currently at my office looking at reports and business proposal when a knock startled me.

"Sana, I told you I don't want to be disturbed." I said without looking.

"Still busy as you were before." A familiar voice said, making me look up and it was a face I haven't seen in long time.

"Well hello there. I was in town and thought I should visit you." He said smiling.

"Bang Chan." I mumbles to myself.

I was surprised to see Bang Chan, I haven't seen since the day he told me he wanted to put the end our relationship. I admit at first I was angry at him for everything go just like that. Three years we are together and he just left me there alone but as time flies, my hate to him vanished slowly. Back then, I understand that everything is to much for him. We were young and planning to get married but thing got out of hand until we slowly lost each other.

"Earth to Mina?" He shake me as we now at restaurant having lunch. He invited me to catch up.

"Still spacing out are we?" He said smiling to me.

"Yeah, its happen." I replied shortly.

"So, how are you? Any husband? Boyfriend?" He asked interested.

"None." I answer him. What? I didn't lied. I doesn't have any boyfriend or husband because I has a wife. But, he doesn't need to know about that.

"Why? Someone pretty and success as you should have men lining up to grab you attention." He said.

"Maybe they didn't see the line." I joked seriously making him laugh.

"Same Mina. The cold and ruthless wolf of business." He said after laughing.

"Well, things never changes." I said coyly.

"You don't need to change at all." He said smiling.

"What about you? Wife? Kids?" I asked change the topic.

"Hm, actually I'm divorced. And no, no kids." He said looking sad.

"Oh, sorry about that." I told him putting my hand on top of his for comfort.

Then, I and Bang Chan had developed a bond this couple of weeks. He would pick me up for lunch and we would eat somewhere we used to when we were together. It was fun and relaxing to finally have someone to talk to outside the office and work.

"I saw you going out with Bang Chan? When
did he coming back? Why you didn't tell me?" Jihyo said coldly.

"Oh, he just around this town and decide to catch up with me. Nothing much. Maybe I forget to tell you." I replied still texting Bang Chan.

"I don't like him. And I don't like you being closer to him. You rarely spend time with you family now. With Chaeyoung travel away, you should spend more time with you kids. They always asked about you." Jihyo said.

"Oh, okay. This weekends I will spend time with them. Don't worry. He just a friend. I know to handle it." I said a bit irritating.

"Good. I just remind you Mina. You already married to wonderful woman and you have a kids." Jihyo said and walk away.

What she told was right. I have Chaeyoung but, it doesn't mean I can have a friends. Then, one night after having little argument with Chaeyoung regarding her always being away I called Bang Chan. Its wasn't intentional, we ended up going to his house and drinking assortments of liquor. I woke up the next morning naked next to Bang Chan is also bare.
I wish I could say it only happened once, but no. Its happened on several occasions.

I was lost and longing for Chaeyoung. And she wasn't with me at this time. Then, there is Bang Chan who always here for me in wrong time. I just wanna be with someone and I don't like the feeling of loneliness without Chaeyoung. When Chaeyoung called me this morning and I answered with short replies. I was feeling guilty and disappointed with myself that I just wants to end the call already. Then, with Jihyo keep remind me about Chaeyoung its totally make me feel guilty. That's why I call Bang chan to come to my office to stop all this. I want to tell him that I have a wife and a kids to think of. I don't want to lose them, I rather lose him than them. But that talking lead to drinking wine again. Temptation and lust once again eaten me up which lead to the position Chaeyoung saw us in.

End of Flashback

The care stop in front of our house and I immediately open the door without waiting for Changbin open it for me. I notice Jeongyeon car is here and I hoping Chaeyoung with her. I run the steps to the front door and quickly opened it and search for any signs of Chaeyoung but nothing. Then, Jihyo and Jeongyeon rush to me coming from the kitchen.

"Where is Chaeyoung?" Both asked me looking for Chaeyoung.

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