Chapter 20

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Mina POV

Its been a month I and Chaeyoung get married. If you guys thought everything being great as I thought, no sadly its not. We didn't stay together as Chaeyoung said before but, she still satisfied my need toward my crazy graving. She will bring food that have tomato and strawberries. Sadly being pregnant I notice that I become more clingy especially with Chaeyoung.

So, when I didn't see her I will feel frustrated. I know I'm being stupid because I being clingy and feeling frustrated to someone that I doesn't have feeling. The one that I thought just a mistake in my life. But, now how I feel stupid for feeling needed for her. More worst, my morning sickness doesn't leave me. Today I have a checkup and hopefully Chaeyoung will come as she can't make it for the first time checkup due busy.

"Where is she?" I asked Jihyo.

"She's say she will come." Jihyo replied.

"She better. If not this time I will make her wear that thing for a month." I said to Jihyo.

"Haa, that's hilarious. Its funny to see her wearing that thing. People keep talking about her." Jihyo said laughing.

Yes, last time I punish her by make her wearing fake bump for a week. She didn't say anything but I know she feel embarrassing as everyone in this office actually know about her condition. I don't know how they know but, luckily they didn't show or said any rude behaviour to her. If not I'm the first one they have to face.

"Hmm, I don't think I would love to wear that thing again. Its so itchy." Chaeyoung said from the back.

"Arghh. Chaeyoung. Didn't someone taught you to knock a door? You scared me." Jihyo said.

"I'm sorry." She said apologise to Jihyo.

"Hello Jihyo, hello Miss Myoui." She greet us.

"I'm gonna leave you two and head to my table. Good luck on your checkup sis." Jihyo said hugging me before leave.

"How many time I said stop calling me Miss Myoui. Just called me Mina. We're married and I don't think you need to address me that way right?" I scold her.

"But, we are in office. I don't think that's sound inappropriate for me to called you by name. You're my boss and I think I should call you same as the others address you." She said.

"But we're alone now. No one is hear. So, just call me Mina when we're alone. It sound irritating when you call me Miss." I said to her.

"O-okay. Mina. Let's go?" She said smiling.

I and her don't really talk eye to eye with her. Usually her just sit in the corner while I eat the food she bring. If we talk, its only about our kid and that's all. Despite being married for a month I barely know about her. And its frustrating if you want to know. I really hate when I don't know nothing. I know I said no heart feeling or feeling attach but I'm not doing this because of me, I'm doing this for my kid. Isn't a good idea to us know little thing about each other right?

At first she want to go separately but I force her to go with me. How can I let her to go separately by bus as she just can come with me. Besides, we're going to the same place. On the way to the clinic, she sit beside me but distant and she just look outside the window. I can't help myself from thinking. I don't know if I start to feeling something to her or because of my hormones. This pregnancy really changes the way I see thing and I don't think I like it.

Being a tycoon to the business industry I can't let myself being softy. No one respect a softy. I need to get hold of myself and bring back the businesswoman everyone feared and adore at the same thing. Not being this clingy lovesick teenager that I'm currently posing. As we arrived, I didn't give anyone a glance as Chaeyoung followed behind me. The receptionist approach and immediately recognise me.

"Hello Miss Myoui. Let me inform Doctor Swan that you're here." The receptionist said.

After a minute, she lead us to the doctor room.

"Hello Miss Myoui." The doctor greet me.

"Hello doctor." I greet back.

"Hmm, I'm sorry. But who are you? If you didn't related to Miss Myoui you can't be here. I'm sorry." The doctor said to Chaeyoung.

"I-." I cut her off before she could answer.

"She's my husband assistant. Its okay. She need to come with me as my husband can't come." I quickly said making Chaeyoung look down.

I can see her eyes a bit hurt by what I'm saying. What can I do, I can't let anyone know about us and take the risk. I felt guilt to said that. But, I think she's know why I'm doing this. I can't let anyone know I'm married to my employee . It will be ridiculous and absurd. She just smile and look down as I introduce her. Doctor Swan started prepare the machine and told me to lied down while she put some gel on my stomach.

"Oh okay then. Then, I will print some picture to give to your husband." Doctor Swan said.

"They it is. Your kid is healthy. So, no need to worry." Doctor said as I sigh look at the screen.

Chaeyoung just sit at the corner and didn't move at all looking down. I felt guilty to address her as my husband assistant. I want her to be next to me and see our child together. But it will look inappropriate to the doctor. 

"Do you want to hear the heart beat?" The doctor asked.

I just nodded excited. I don't know what she's doing then we can hear the heartbeat. I just look at Chaeyoung with teary eyes while she nodded with faint smile on her face. Then, the doctor give me a tissue that I didn't realised that I'm crying.

"I'm sorry." I said tearing.

"Its okay. It normal to crying. You just heard your kid heartbeat for first time. All mother have the same reaction as you. Isn't amazing to hear that?" The doctor said.

"Yes. Its feel so good. I didn't know it will feel this good." I said still tearing.

I can see Chaeyoung at the corner also tearing a bit as she know I look at her, she quickly wiped her tears and look away. We just hear our baby's heartbeat, a baby is really inside my tummy. I'm overjoy.

"So, we done for today. You can get change and I will wait outside to scheduled your next appointment. Congratulation again." The doctor said.

Chaeyoung want to go out follow the doctor but I asked her to stay. She didn't look at me and just look down.

"Hmm, its amazing to hear our baby heartbeat right?" I started conversation with her.

"Hmm. Yeah." She replied.

"Chaeyoung. I-I hmm, about earlier. Its just complicated. With our situation. You know that. I didn't mean to offended you." I said getting tired.

"Hmm. You don't have to feel guilty. You didn't do anything wrong. So, its okay mam." Chaeyoung said didn't look direct to me. She just went out and wait for me outside.

Chaeyoung was waiting for me by the car, she step aside when she saw me approaching and my driver open the door for me to enter. Chaeyoung didn't follow me, so I put my window down.

"Chaeyoung. Why you didn't come inside?" I asked.

"Actually I have somewhere else to go. I will just grab a cab to the office later." She replied monotoned.

"Chaeyoung get inside the car. Now!" I ordered her. She just stay silent and look down.

"Get inside. I have something to tell you." I said getting angry.

"I have to go mam. Take care. Drive safely Changbin." She answer already walking away.

"Chaeyoung!!" I yell but she never look back and just continue walk.

I sighed. I just ordered Changbin to drive. I feel defeated after today event. I just hope Chaeyoung wouldn't abandon me after the stunt I pulled at the doctor.

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