Chapter 33

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Chaeyoung POV

Its been almost three months now, I miss my family so much. I calls every times I has which is not much and I will makes sure to talk to the kids before they going to bed. We talk everything that happening in our life and about our day. Apparently, its might take more longer than expected before I could come home since the problem is affected other companies. Mina didn't know what the problems because I and dad doesn't want she worried.

I have been busy with work and problem that I couldn't even have time to call my wife over the phone. I barely sleep to settled this up as soon as possible. I know she probably mad, I have been staying here for over a months now. Its wasn't my plan to stay here longer but work calls for attention and different problems surfacing I have to be here and on sight to solve this. Last time I call her, we has an argue as she mad for me extend my stay here. After that, we are not much talk. But, what can I do. Like I said, I have to.

Its hard for me not being able to seeing my kids and my wife this long. I miss their giggle and laughter every morning an the sound of their running feet. When every weekend they wanted to wake up early to play or to help cook pancakes. I miss my family so much its becoming harder and harder to focus on my work. I currently at my home office that dad provided from not making suspicion around what I'm doing. Just sometimes I coming from office to office to checking the disturbances that had occurred and finding the mastermind behind this problem.

"Are you okay?" Dad said entering my room.

"Yeah, just a bit overwhelmed with all this work, and I miss Mina and the kids so much." I said looking at their picture that I keep in my wallet.

"Yeah, I feel the same. Its hard traveling back and forth just to catch whoever doing this. I also missing our family time." Dad said sitting on the chair.

"Don't you got any clue who's doing this? Or did you had argument with someone before? Or is there any some of your employee that had some knowledge with these account which might have doing this?" I asked being frustrated with this problem.

"As I want to answer you question, I'm also clueless with this matter. Good thing though you have associated that had helped us in stopping this attack." He replied.

I just sigh as I'm really frustrated and being miss my family and had an argue with Mina didn't help in my situation. Dad had been here with me for three days now. He has been travelling back and forth just to make sure Mina didn't suspect anything. We are hiding the truth although I been told her about company having some issues just I didn't explained the extend of the problem. I wasn't not my decision to hide this, but dad decided not telling her as not to file everything on her especially now we starting a family and just wanted her to focus more on the kids and leas of company. She just have done much for this company before and dad just don't want her got worried again and becoming like before. And dad correct. I just want her to be happy and didn't worried much.

"Yeah, but I might have some legal issue when we get home. Considering that I hired hackers to solved this." I explained.

"I will handle about that. I didn't hired best lawyer for nothing. I just wish they could find who behind this." Dad said looking tired.

"We will find them. Don't worry, I and my team won't rest until this matter solve and all settled. You better sleep now. Its been a long day for both of us." I said to dad.

"You better rest also. You're been to focus on this. You should better catch up your sleep before you body shut down for us." Dad said standing and walk to the door.

"Goodnight dad." I said.

"Goodnight Chaeyoung." He said and went out.

I quickly pick up my phone and dialled Mina number. Its kept ringing but no answer. I keep dialling her number for five times but still no one picking up. Thinking nothing, I dial Jihyo number and just one ring she pick up.

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