Chapter 12

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Chaeyoung POV

After what happened yesterday, Haneul all the way sulking with me. I had to explain to him what happened and lucky he understand. Being sweet and good kid he asked me about how is the man doing now. But I just shrugged my shoulder as I really don't know what happen to him. Now, it lunch time. As I promise I want to bring Haneul to Mcdonals. I finish up my work quickly and went down to the entrance. Feels like karma, I saw someone same as yesterday look like going to fell. I rushed to him and hold him up to balance him from fell.

"Are you okay Sir?" I asked.

He turn his face and smile. Its the same old man I meet yesterday. What are he doing here? I smile back to him and still hold him afraid he will fell.

"I'm sorry to be rude. But what are you doing here Sir? Its already two times you almost fell. You supposed to stay at the hospital. See you face is pale." I said to him.

"I'm waiting for my daughter. Same as yesterday. But, you drag me to hospital. Today I think I'm a bit hungry. My daughter has a meeting to attend. I can't wait as I'm hungry but I don't like to eat alone." He explain to me.

"Hmm. I'm about go for lunch. If you don't mind, wanna to join us?" I invited him as I know Haneul won't be mind.

"Us?" He asked a bit confused.

"Yes. Me and my son." On cue, I can hear a familiar voice.

"Dadaaa!!!" He shout and jump on me.

"Eh, what are you doing here? I supposed to pick you at nana works." I asked my lil champ.

"I bought him here. I want to go meet a supplier somewhere near your office. So, I thought it more easier to send him here to you rather you pick him." Mom said.

"Hello sir. My name Son Haneul. I'm 3 years old." He said greet the old man pointing his finger showing 3.

"Hai lil man. I'm Akira. I'm already 55 years old." He said.

"Oh, you old like nana. Nana also 55 years old." Haneul said.

"Aish, this kid. Don't disturb him. I'm sorry sir on behalf this kid." Mom said.

"Oh, that's okay." Mr.Akira said.

"Then, I'm going first Chaeyoung. I will call you later when I'm already finish." Mom said and excuse herself.

"Dada. Let's go. I'm hungwy. Mcd mcd." My lil champ whine.

"Oh, I forget about that. I already promise this lil champ to having a McDonalds. Its okay with you sir? If not, we can eat somewhere else." I said to him.

"No. No. Its okay. I can eat anything. As long as I don't eat alone." He said laughing.

Then, we walk to McDonalds across the road. Haneul and Mr.Akira seem close. They didn't seem awkward and they having fun with each other.

"Mr.Akira, do you also sometimes rest your eyes?" Haneul asked.

"Hmm. What do you mean?" Mr.Akira seem a bit lost with Haneul question.

"When I talking to dada, dada sometimes close her eyes and she said she just rest her eyes. I thought she sleeping." Haneul said.

"Oh. Yes. Sometimes I do rest my eyes. Older people do that a lot." Mr.Akira said laughing.

"Really? I can't wait to get older. I can rest my eyes too." Haneul said excited.

We just laugh at his behaviour. We keep talking about anything and everything. Mr.Akira seem enjoy Haneul company.

"Thank you sir for listen to all his rumbles. He's really like to talk. That's why sometimes I just can't help to rest my eyes." I said laughing.

"Its okay. I love kid. You know, soon I will be a grandfather. Its like a practise to me for having a grandchild. Can't wait. I beg he or she will grow up exactly like Hanuel." Mr.Akira said excited.

"Oh really? Say congrats to your daughter on behalf me." I said smiling to him. Then, we finish our lunch and went back to the office.

"So, Mr.Akira. Thank you for your company. I really enjoy it." I said.

"Yes yes. I'm also enjoy. If not, dada will rest her eyes again. I like talking to you." Haneul said excited.

"Auww, I also like and enjoy talking to you. What if, after this we eat together again?" Mr.Akira said.

"Really? Dada! Can we?" Haneul asked to me.

"Hmm. Yeah. Why not?." I said smiling.

"Then, we should going first. Thank you again. And please take care of yourself. Btw, I'm Son Chaeyoung. Nice to meet you." I said bowed to him.

"Oh my, how rude I am. I'm Myoui Akira. Nice to meet you Son Chaeyoung. My son in law or should I called you daughter in law?" He said smiling to me.

What? Myoui Akira? The same Myoui? Is he Myoui Mina dad? Wait? What? In law? What the heck? Okay. I'm confused right now. What's he talking about. Can someone explain it to me?

"Dad?! What are you doing here?" I can hear my boss voice.

I know her voice as I keep remembering how soft her voice is. I turn to face her and I can see her face a bit shocked to see me with her dad. OMG.

"Oh, sweetie. I'm come here to see you. But, you're having meeting. So, I decide to having a lunch with my daughter in law." He said.

Again, what the heck with in law? My boss walk closer to us and drag her dad a bit far from me. I look around to see Haneul already talking to Jihyo leaving me alone confused. Can someone tell me what is going on? From my view I can see my boss having some argument with her dad. I can see how frustrated she is. While her dad just smiling and raised his hand. While my lil champ is having fun with Jihyo. I walk to them and lift my son.

"What are you talking about?" I asked my buddy.

"Dada. Miss Jihyo told me she want to buy me some ice cream. Can we go eat ice cream?" Haneul said with his puppy eyes.

I look to Jihyo and to my lil champ.

"Hmm. Maybe next time? Can we?" I said.

Haneul just pout and rest his head on my shoulder. I know he been sulking but right now I just want to walk away as I want to avoid my boss.

"Just come with us." Sudden Mr.Akira voice can be hear.

"But, lunch time about to end. Beside, nana will come to pick you." I said to Haneul.

"Please dadaa. Pleasee!" He said hold her hand like pray begging to me.

"Just come with us Chaeyoung. Don't you see his eyes? How cute." Jihyo said.

"Yes, beside are not you with your boss? Who's going to scold you?" Mr.Akira said.

I'm a bit hesitate and look at Haneul. He still having his puppy eyes and pouting. I just sigh.

"Come on Chaeyoung. Just come with us. I'm hungry." Mina said with her boss voice.

I gulp hearing she calling my name. I shake off my pervert mind and just nodded. I put Haneul down and he jumping happily and run to Jihyo. They holding hand walk to Mcdonalds and we just follow behind. What the heck? I'm supposed to avoid her, but now here I am. Having a lunch with her dad. Walking side by side with her and being near to her. The world just playing with me. Again!

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