Chapter 35

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Mina POV

"Mina, I'm asking you. Where is Chaeyoung?" Jihyo asked curious and worried.

"I don't know." I answered frantically.

"What you mean you don't know? Jeongyeon drove her things here and told me Chaeyoung was going to surprised you in your office." Jihyo said sounding worried.

"Mina? Tell me. Where is she? Last time she call me she asked for help. I try to call her back, but she can't be reached. We call you but you didn't answer. I'm just worried about her. Her voice seem hopeless and hurt." Jeongyeon said softly to me.

I started crying when Jeongyeon told about her. Its all my fault. Then, Jihyo hold my shoulder firmly and making me look at her.

"Mina! Explain to me what happen? Why did you crying?" Jihyo said worried.

"Sh-she did co-come to see me. But.. she saw me with Bang Chan in a compromising position." I explain breaking down.

I can see anger and hurt same as I see Chaeyoung eyes before. Jeongyeon a bit shocked hearing about this. Jihyo already loose her holding on my shoulder. She's really disappointed toward me. Then, I notice dad also have the same reaction as Jihyo and Jeongyeon.

"What the fuck Mina!! I told you! I told you to stop seeing that asshole way before everything between the two of you happened. But, you act like me being overacting. You keep shrugging me off. You told he just a friend and whatever. Now, look at what you have done!!" Jihyo said now yelling at me with so much anger. I never seeing her like this before.

"God! How you could be so stupid and let yourself be captivated by that useless, asshole words. You know how he left you when you need someone the most? How could you Mina? You told me, you promise me that you will end it. You even swear to me that Chaeyoung and your kids are your number one priority, but what happened now haa?! You lost everything you have. You're losing your family that you worked so hard to build. You lost your wife that always here for you! God! I can't even look at you at this moment." Jihyo said walking up to the stairs leaving me on the floor crying.

"Why Mina? Isn't Chaeyoung doesn't enough for you? Why should you hurting her like this? All she done is everything for you. I'm sorry. But you're selfish Mina. Selfish. You don't deserve someone like Chaeyoung." Jeongyeon said to me. Even she didn't yell and shout like Jihyo but I can hear so much anger in her voice.

"Lets go Jeongyeon. I can't stay here anymore. I can't even look at her. Lets find our cub." Jihyo said to Jeongyeon and they went out.

Jihyo was right. I had everything that I wanted. But I let my insecurities and depress state taken on me. I'm really bitch and whore for what I have done to Chaeyoung. I keep crying on the floor when suddenly an arm lifted me up. I was hoping it was Chaeyoung but I was wrong. Dad leading us to the couch. He pat my head slowly.

"Sweetie, I can't say I'm proud of what you done but you have to pick yourself up and fix all this." Dad said after helping me sitting.

"Dad. What have I done? I mess up everything. I don't know how to fix this." I told him crying.

"Hmm sweetie. What you have done is really unacceptable especially with your standards." Dad said putting his arm around me.

"I was just lost dad. I feel lonely. I feel so alone." I tried explain myself.

"Don't you think Chaeyoung didn't feel the way you do? She was slumped with her work, she didn't sleep or eat well just to work harder so she can settled it as soon as possible. With that, she can coming back to her family, her wife. Every time she sleep, she always hugging your photo. She always bring her family photo everywhere she goes. But, she had to endure everything so that the company floats smoothly with the problems we having." Dad said calmly.

"What do you mean problems? There's nothing wrong with the company." I said getting suspicious.

"Mina sweetie, listen to me. Chaeyoung and I have been hiding the companies problem from you for so long. Someone had been transferring money to different branch of our company into a private unknown account. Luckily, we have intervened early and have retrieved the money we lost." Dad explained to me.

"Why hide it from me?" I asked.

"Because we don't want you to be troubled as you already done so much before and we just wanted you to focus more on motherhood and building a family as you always want and dream for. We wanted you to think less on company and more of the kids." Dad explained further and making me more guilty than I already am.

"I'm sorry dad. I- I didn't know." I said crying on his shoulder.

"I have known way before that something up with you and that guy. I waited for you to wake up and decide on yourself but apparently you couldn't, that's why I had to send Chaeyoung back as soon as I could to maybe fix you. But I think its too late." He said rubbing my back sound disappointed.

"Dad. I'm sorry. I was wrong. Tell me what should I do please. This is hurt so much." I said sobbing even more.

"Only you can answer that question Mina. But for now, try to rest and talk this out with Chaeyoung. You have kids to think about." Dad said hugging me and pull away looking at me concern.

Dad helped me to my room and told me to clean up and sleep. Looking around our room I couldn't help but remember every memory we had in this room making me cry again. I cleaned myself and wear one of Chaeyoung shirt in hopes to feel something from her. Laying on my side of the bed, I still sobbing remembering Chaeyoung face when she saw us in my office. I wish I could stopped this before it even started. I wish I could turn back the time. How I wish this is just a dream and tomorrow I will woke up in Chaeyoung arms again. How I wish.

Jeongyeon POV

How could Mina do this to her? How could she? Chaeyoung doesn't nothing but being loyal and faithful to her. But, why must she experience all this?

"I'm so sorry Jeongie. I'm sorry." Jihyo said crying beside me.

"Hey hey. Listen here. Its not you fault. So, stop saying sorry." I said lift her chin up.

"But, if I keep push Mina and stopped her from seeing that asshole this won't be happen. Its my fault. I'm failed as a sister. I failed to make her realise what she already have." She said still sobbing.

"Its her choices Thomas. Even you trying to stopped if she don't want to follow its still will happen. Now, I just hope Chaeyoung okay. I can't afford to losing someone again. Not Chaeyoung." I said hugging her.

"Where can we find her Jeongie? What if something happen to her? I also can afford to lose her." She said sobbing in my shoulder.

"Shh.. We will find her. Don't worry. Chaeyoung that I know is strong. She won't break just like that." I said calm her down.

"I wish. I hope she will be okay." She said a bit calmed.

"Chaeyoung, where are you?" I thought in my mind.

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