Chapter 15

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Chaeyoung POV

"When the wedding?" I said.

I can see different emotion from them. Mina dad has this happy face. Jihyo was confused then smiling. Mina was shocked looking at me. I know she must think I'm crazy. But, what can I do, she carries my baby and my dad always taught me to be responsible and never run from responsible. I'm always dream to have a family, someone that I love and love me the way I am, someone who accept me, and grow old together. Beside, her dad was right, its not ideal for the kid grow up in different houses every other day. So, I have to agree with his proposal. In positive side, Haneul gonna has a sibling to play together.

"So, when did you plan for the wedding?" I asked again.

"As soon as possible." Mr.Akira said.

"But, before that I want to meet your parent to discus about this matter. How about this Saturday?" He add.

Then, I can feel hand squish my hand as Mina look at me with her tired eyes.

"Chaeyoung. You don't have to do this. I'm fine if you don't want to get married." Mina said softly to me.

I just smile to her. "Trust me. I know what I'm doing. Beside, I know how hard to raise the child alone. Believe me." I said to her while squish her hand back.

"Hmm. If you don't mind. Can I know where the other of Haneul?" Jihyo asked.

I turn to look at her. I don't know if I want to talk about this. I just keep silent in my thought. I think Mina notice it.

"Jihyo! That's a sensitive question. Chaeyoung, you don't have to tell if you don't want. Its okay." Mina said hold my hand.

"What? I'm just curious. Don't you curious? Beside, we're going to be family soon. I think its okay if I ask." Jihyo said defending herself.

"Its truth. We soon going be family. But, what Mina said its truth. If you don't want to tell us, its okay. We won't push you." Mr.Akira said.

I look at Mina and she smiling to me and mouth 'Its okay'. My heart melt seeing her smile. I just smile back to her and squish her hand. Then, I turn to face Jihyo smiling.

"Its okay. Jihyo is correct." I said take a deep breathe.

"Haneul mom was die when give a birth of him." I continued.

I didn't notice my tears already fell as Mina wiped my tears.

"I'm sorry. You don't have to continue. Its okay." Mina said still holding my cheek.

"No, I'm going to tell you. Haneul mom is my sister. She was raped." Again my tears fell.

"She is a bubble and happy go lucky. She's our sunshine. But, after that happen. She become quiet, like to be alone and not talking to us anymore. We caught her a few time she try to commit suicide. At first it was hard for us. But, as long we together we can past it. She go for therapy and become better. Then, she found out she pregnant. Again, same situation happen to us. But this time she become worst." I said crying.

Mina already sit beside me and hold me. She hold my hand tight.

"You don't need to continue." Mina said.

I just smile to her. "She tried a lot to commit suicide. It was hard for us to see her like that. She become like her before. But become more worst. That year was hard for us. Until one day, I'm going for work at night. Leaving her alone. I don't know that was last time I see her. She giving a birth in her room alone as she didn't told us anything. When, I went back, she- she already dead due lost a lot of blood. Luckily, Haneul is healthy. It all my fault. If I don't go to work, she will be here with us. I'm the one who kill her." I said still crying.

Mina already hug me. She keep rubbed my back as she want to calm me down. She keep whispering in my ear like a chant 'everything will be okay. I'm here." To my surprise it calm me whenever I hear her voice. I pull away and look at her. I can see her eyes show some sympathy, sad and love? I smile to her and wiped my tears.

"Thank you." I said smiling to her.

She just smile to me. Again, my heart melt. I turn to see Jihyo and Mr.Akira who now know about my background and show their sympathies. I couldn't blame, it was a hard experience for us as family.

"Haneul lucky to have you as his dada." Jihyo said smiling.

"Yeah, he's a great kid." Mr.Akira said.

"Yes. He's a replica of you. And I'm for sure he will grow up good looking as you." Mina said smiling.

I was a bit shocked hearing that from Mina and Mina seem notice what she said and blush. While Jihyo, already have smirk on her face tease Mina.

"And we name him Haneul, as he is give from heaven to us. He really look alike my sister. That's why he look like me. And we love him with all our heart." I said.

My boss keep looking at me. I'm a bit blush as she keep look at me. I also can take my eyes from her. As I remember how tight she hug me early. Then, her dad voice bring us to reality. I shake my pervert thought far a away.

"So, I would like invited you and your family to having a dinner at our place this Saturday." Mr.Akira said.

"Hmm. I will tell them." I said.

Crap. How I'm gonna told my parent? Shit, they must be disappointed at me. Then, we went back to office as I walk side by side with Mina. I keep secretly glance at her. As we arrived at office, we bit a goodbye to Mr.Akira and walk to elevator. And surprised, Mina didn't went to her private elevator as she follow me and Jihyo.

We all was silent as no one dare to say a word. Then, the elevator open and Somi come in. She seem happy to see me but weird to see Mina in this elevator. Somi just bowed and greet Mina and Jihyo politely and went closer to me. This is an awkward. Mina keep glance at me and Somi as Somi keep push herself to me. I just stay silent and didn't do anything. Then, we arrived at our level and I excuse myself but Mina also went out from the elevator. I was confused but shrugged it off. While Jihyo already laughing out loud at me.

"Someone is jealous. You better watch out. We don't want our penguin get angry." Jihyo said and walk away.

I'm so confused right now. Why should her be jealous? Beside, there's nothing between me and Somi. She's always like that every time she see me. Wait? Why I'm explain it to myself. Beside what am I to Myoui Mina to make she jealous? But, I can see her eyes on fire when she keep glance at me. Isn't true she is jealous? I don't know. She's hard to read.

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