Chapter 48

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Chaeyoung POV

So, here we go now. Going back to Myoui house. I don't know if I'm doing a good decision going back there. But, thinking for my kids I have to do this. I still don't feel good about this, I know I'm doing this for my kids but I feel like I'm choking coming back there. I keep thinking if they have done it in the bed that I and Mina used to share or have they done it somewhere else in the house. I was away for so long, so I don't know what are they were doing behind my back.

I'm currently in my room picking little things up, making sure my room is tidy and pack some essentials that I will need. I heard the knock and immediately turned my attention to the door. Opening it I saw my mom face looking concern.

"Honey, are you okay?" Mom asked as I mentioned her to come.

"Of course mom. Never be better." I said as continue pack my stuff.

"Chaeng. Look at me." Mom said making me sit beside her.

"I know what happened this morning make you scared but honey, Haneul is safe and sound. I know, what he doing is not good at all but he's just a kid who wanting to be with his mom and sister. Don't be so hard on yourself Chaeng. We all make stupid thing when we are young." Mom said pat my hand.

"I know mom. I understand Haneul needs and I'm all in for my kids. Just, I have so many thing inside my head right this moment." I said with sigh and smiling sadly to mom.

"Honey, I'm don't want to be snooping with your marriage but what's actually happened to you and Mina? I thought you two were good? I never saw you being happy more than you with your kids and Mina. What's happened Chaeng?" She asked hold my chin making me look at her.

"Life happened mom. We are not live in fairytale. Apparently I was just dreaming." I tried expressing my thought closing my eyes closing.

"Chaeng, you know life is full of surprised. Sometimes we going up and sometimes down. Its never be perfect as we expected. Sooner or later everything will come crashing down testing your relationship and love to each other. That's how everything goes. It makes both of you strong and holds your family tighter. We are the one who make the decision. For better." Mom said hugging me.

"She doesn't love me mom." I said getting emotional again.

"How do you know?" Mom asked after pulling away.

"She never did mom. She just doing this and stick with me for the kids. Nothing more." I said to her.

"Honey, Mina loves you. I can see how she look at you. Same as you look at her. Full of admiration and love." She said hugging me to her chest.

"I don't know mom. I don't know what truth and what fakes anymore." I said wiped my tears.

"I'm not going to forced you to believe me, but what I can say I saw it with myself. I will just let her show you but honey, you're doing the right thing by moving back to her. Its not I don't like it you stay here. But, family stick together and grow together okay? I love you Chaeyoung. Always remember that." Mom said pushing my shoulder a bit. She ruffling my hair and look at me lovely.

"I love you too mom. So much." I said as she kissing my forehead.

She went out and I continue packing then went to Haneul room taking some of the things that he might need. I look at the picture in his table, it was me, dad, mom and Nayeon unnie. We were smiling and happy, I took the picture and sit on Haneul bed.

"I'm sorry unnie. I know I promise to take good care of Haneul and to give him the family he deserves but sometimes its hard." I said looking at Nayeon unnie smile tearing a bit.

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