Chapter 32

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Mina POV

One years later..

"'Mommy mommy!" Haneul runs to me before I could even put my thing down.

"Woah, easy tiger." I said bending down hugging him and kiss his forehead.

"I miss you mommy." He said nuzzling his face to my stomach. This is one of his action never failed to melting my heart.

"I miss you too lil champ. Why you didn't sleep yet? Where's your sister?" I asked him and walk to couch and sit while he sit on my lap.

"In her room sleeping. I waiting for you." He said sound sleepy.

"And why you waiting for me?" I said pinch his cheek and hugging him.

"I waiting for story." He said yawning.

"Ooo, so lets get you to bed." I said carrying him up to his room.

I put him slowly and carefully on the bed. As soon as Haneul head hit the pillow, he already off to dreamland without even hearing his bed time story. He really sleepy and tired especially with school and playtime with his sister, its really drain his energy more and more. Chaeyoung and I have been so busy with work lately that we couldn't even talk for a minute and spend even the weekends with our kids. I start work after 2 months giving a birth and everything was hectic as Chaeyoung take a month to take care our newborn and was hoping to extend but work was calling and she had to went back immediately.

Our kids, have nannies to take care but after we went to busy, Jihyo decided to resign as my assistant and helping us with our kids. She's now working at Jeongyeon cafe as Jeongyeon said she can come and back home anytime she wants. I can sense something was going on with them, but decide to ignore it as they didn't said anything. Everything is really crazy now with our life. Chaeyoung now always come home late or travels around the world for business while I stay in the country but still works at everything. Sometimes I feel jealous what if, Chaeyoung find someone else while she far away. But, I trust my wife. Just sometime I can't help to think negative. Its sometimes feels overwhelming, but I love my life now with Chaeyoung and the kids. I just hope we can find some time to spend together and be a family.

"Hey love." Chaeyoung said kissing my forehead and peck my lips.

"How's your day?" I asked as I removing my make up.

"Hmm. Tiring as always. How's your? How's the kids?" She said while removing her clothes living her in boxers only.

"Miyoung already sleep when I arrived. While Haneul waited for me as he want bed time story but as soon he hit the pillow, he immediately fall asleep." I said and standing in front of her so she can fully stare at my sexy nightwear.

One of the downfall to our busy life is not having sexy time as often we wants. Well, we both busy as she often travels around making me needed her so much. So, our sex life needed to step back. But, not tonight I have been wanting her and I always get what I want.

"Wow, my wife look sexy." She whisper as I put my hand on her neck pulling her closer.

"Wanna have and taste this sexiness?" I mumbles nibbling on her ear making her moan.

"I will love to. And don't mind if I do." She said with her lustful and dark eyes. Then Chaeyoung hoisted my legs up to her waist and walk to our bed laying me down softly.

Chaeyoung slowly pulling my clothes off while looking at my eyes with love and lust all mixed up. After making sure I was bare for her and her only, she started to took of every piece clothing she has leaving me see a sight that I so badly wanted to see. She was hard, long and oozing with that making me shiver just the sight of her. She gently lay on top of me unmoving still staring at me with so much love and longing.

"God! I love you so much." She said softly but firmly that melting my heart.

"I love you too." I whisper matching her stare. Slowly we lean in connected our lips in a love filled passionate kiss we always share between us.

That night we made love full longing and want like before. She entered me full and left me bare, she made me want her over and over that I couldn't count how many times she took me. It was a night that all our lust filled love surfaces and made us become one in mind, body and spirit. I was drunk with love, lust and passion that I can't even think straight from all climax I had that night. Chaeyoung made love to me gently and surely she made me the woman fits her perfectly, she made me a woman of happiness full of admiration and love.

That night was long and full of voices from our moans to soft whisper of love and respect to each other. Chaeyoung made me believed that after long wait finally a happy ending will come and make you the person that is complete and whole. She completes me in everything we do together. I thought I could never find someone who will accept me but Chaeyoung coming to my life and everything just flow perfectly. After our countless climax and non stop kissing, we finally decide to sleep until we have to face the reality again and be occupied with work and responsibility that needed attention all day.

I was awoken by hand caressing my face. I slowly open my eyes and was meet by the mesmerising eyes that I love so much.

"Good morning queen of my heart." She said kissing me softly.

"Hmm, good morning love. You're up early." I said.

"I cook you some breakfast, eat it while its still hot." She said putting a tray in front if me. This is the side if her that make me fall deeper of her. Then, I observes she already in her work clothes.

"You're leaving early?" I said pouting.

"Hmm. Actually I have something to tell you." She said as I already know where is heading.

"I have to travel to London today. There are some thing I have to handle and I have to do as soon as I can." She said.

"How long?" I ask already feeling sad.

"A few weeks, or months? There are some disturbances on the financial report that the have to submitted and I have to investigate. I promised I will back as soon as everything is settled." She said holding my hand to her heart making me looking at her.

"You're always away. First a few days. Now, for whole months? Without you I don't think I can't make it Chaeyoung. I need you. I will feel lonely if I don't have you beside me." I said already tears.

"Love,come here. I also don't want be far from you and the kids. But, I have to. If this problem didn't settled right away, the company you had worked so hard for will vanish and our kids will be forced to struggle in life." She said softly to make it me understand. I know I being selfish, but I really need her here with me. How bad the problem is as she has to be far from me. My insecurities lately, been eaten me hard. But, she's right the company has to be taken care of.

"Hmm. But promise me, you will come back home as soon as possible, you have to call me every hour or spare time you have, I call you will answer immediately and don't you dare to look or talk to other woman or I will skin you alive. You hear me?" I said to her while eyeing her threateningly

"Yes, I promise my love. You're the only one I want to stare, talk and look at every second, every minute, every hour and every day. Okay? I love you so much. You're always here." She said softly, pointed her heart and show me her wallet that have my picture. Then, she kissing me passionately.

"I love you too." I said after the kiss.

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