Chapter 54

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Mina POV

After being trapped in the lift for the whole night, finally the maintenance crew comes the next morning to freeing us. Although I don't mind staying for a bit longer. Tzuyu was waiting for us outside with a huge smirk on her face together with Jihyo, Jeongyeon and Momo who were beaming.

"Had a fun night?" Tzuyu asked having the biggest smirk plastered on her face.

"It was alright." Chaeyoung simply shrug.

"Yeah." I said a bit red in the red.

"Did something naughty?" Jihyo asked wiggling her eyebrow teasing us.

"Or something hot?" Momo add.

"Yap! We was trap without airconds and sleep on the lift on the floor. So, what's the naughtier than that?" Chaeyoung answered wiggling her brow same as what Jihyo and Momo did but with sarcasm.

"You're no jam bro." Jeongyeon said with a pout. 

"Yeah yeah. Same with you. If not people didn't call us no jam bro. Oh yaa! Tell Dahyun thanks." Chaeyoung said with a smirk to Tzuyu making the latter look like a deer caught in headlights.

"How-?!" Tzuyu asked.

"Maybe you could changes you trick. When I and Jeongyeon didn't talking to each other for a month, remember you use the same trick? You make her doing the same damn thing." Chaeyoung said with shrug.

"Fine!" Tzuyu said giving up putting her arm around Jihyo and walking ahead us.

"Wait. That's my future wife you hold on." Jeongyeon said run for them.

Tzuyu tight her hold and run with Jihyo from Jeongyeon. They seem happy. I just smile seeing them like that.

"Let's eat! I'm hungry. And Dahyun already waiting for us to eat to." Momo said.

We ended up eating at McDonalds as we to lazy to think where else to go beside this is near to our office. After finish eating, the others went back to the office while me and Chaeyoung drove home to change and have go back to work again. We inside the car, we are seated at the back as I told Chaeyoung to called our driver as I know she felt tired. On the way back, I'm yawning as I still felt sleeping because I sleep on uncomfortable yesterday even I'm happy being closer to Chaeyoung. I want to sleep again closer to her. Without realise, Chaeyoung had already pulled me closer to her with my head already laying on her shoulder getting comfortable. I nuzzled my face more to her neck and kiss it lightly.

"Sleep. I will wake you up when we already get home." She said kissing my head making me feel safe.

Chaeyoung will always be my home no matter we are or what are we doing as long as she is with me, I'm home. She's the only one can make me feel home and safe. She held me closer and without thinking I drifted off to a peaceful slumber. Then, I don't know how long I was sleep and I felt someone carrying me but I didn't mind because I know its Chaeyoung as I keep inhaling this intoxicating smell that makes me float on the cloud nine. I felt something soft beneath me so I slowly opened my eyes and saw Chaeyoung had just laid me on the bed and she's getting out. I held her hand getting her attention and look lovingly to her.

"Stay. Please." I said looking in her eyes.

"Okay." She then getting comfortable in the bed and pulled me to her chest.

"Thank you." I said inhaling her smell which make me calms.

"This feels nice." She said stroking my hair to the side.

"You feel nice." I blurted out and blushing after that looking at her.

"Yeah, I know." She said leaning closer to me as I'm doing the same.

Just like carnival fireworks exploded inside my stomach as our lips meet. It was slow and burning. Its like we are consuming every ounce of each other just to furnish the thirst that had been going on. I swear I can felt butterflies on my stomach as I feel fireworks and I can see the star. We kiss with passion and lust that none of us have realised that I was now sitting on top of her, straddling her friend that seems want to burst any moment now.

I was hungry and thirsty but not for food but for Chaeyoung, loving each other and every part of my body. Feeling the need to breath we slowly pulled apart and I open my eyes slowly to look at Chaeyoung who's heaving and struggling to calm herself. I look at our position and blush even more redder because I can feel how hard she is inside her pantsuit and I can feel myself getting wetter by that feeling.

"A-ahmm, we ha-ve to a-a get ready fo-for a work." She stuttering and not moving underneath me.

"Okay." I said admiring her face and the calm ocean that is her eyes.

"Hmm. Okay." She said back smiling and kissing me shortly and try to move a bit.

"Ahh." I moan softly as her friend making contact with mine.

I quickly close my mouth with my palm and I stand from sitting on top of her. I can feel my face getting red and about to exploded because of the embarrassing. She quickly went inside the ensuite taking care of how hard she is while I go to my vanity wiping my make up from yesterday. I look at my face through the mirror and I can see my lips a bit swollen by the kissed we shared. I can't help but smile big at the memory. After about 20 minute Chaeyoung went out all showered and dress, I give her a pick which make her grin from eye to eye. I then went to the bathroom to clean myself and get ready for the day. By 11 am, we are ready and heading to the office to help the other with the work at hand.

"You guys surely took your time." Jeongyeon said as we enter the 20th floor office.

"Well, you know it takes a whole lot of time to look good like this." Chaeyoung said gesturing herself with her hand.

"Idiot." Jeongyeon said walking to Dahyun and Momo which were concentrate on the screen.

"Did you guys found anything?" I asked Jihyo as she's too focus on her own laptop.

"Nope. I can't still find a gift for Chaeyoung for her birthday!" She replied with a panic voice.

"Really Jihyo? Its office hours and your boss is standing beside you and all you are doing is shopping? That! I'm sure Chaeyoung would love that hoodie!" Tzuyu said seriously at first then joined Jihyo on her shopping spree online.

"Wow! I thought you two were working." I said smiling while shaking my head at how focused the two are.

"Hush Mina. Chaeyoung is really hard to shop for. How about you? Have any idea and gift for your hawt, sexy and masculine dear wife?" Jihyo said still her eyes lock to the laptop while Tzuyu look at me wiggling her eyebrow.

"Hmm, I'm sure I will find something. I hope." I said leaving the two doing what they doing.

Looking around I found Chaeyoung was busy with something on another computer besides Dahyun and Momo. I went to her and give her a kiss on the cheek telling her I have to go to my office and I will see her tonight. She nods and told me to be careful and call her if anything happened and holding my hands. I also holding her hand as I don't want to let go but I have to. I just nod to whatever she said and smile to her protectiveness. I'm glad that everything seems slowly back to normal.

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