Chapter 24

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Mina POV

Today Chaeyoung and Haneul will moving to my house. I excited plus scared. I don't know why I feel that way. Maybe scared because she will near or should I say inside my house? Whatever. My dad prepare everything for they come in, especially for the little one Haneul. Chaeyoung said isn't necessary to put a lot of toy for her lil champ as he likes to read more. But my dad being my dad stubborn as he is, he still buy a lot of new toys for him. But hearing he likes to read, make him excited as he built a small library for Haneul. I know my dad surely spoil my kid and Chaeyoung so much. What can I said, he loves kids. Me and Chaeyoung still awkward as always but I remember when I'm at hospital. She been scold by her parent for avoiding me. Remember that can't help me from smiling.


"Aish, this kid." Chaeyoung mom pull her ears.

"How many time I said? Always take care of her. Don't making her stress. You even dare to avoid her? What are you thinking haa?" Her mom scold her pulling her ears.

"Chaeng. I told you, pregnant woman had unstable hormon. She will talk anything that she want at that time, but she didn't mean it. Being a strong didn't know you had this small heart. Be patient Chaeyoung." Her dad add.

I felt sorry for her but I can't help to smile seeing her been scold like a kids by her parent. She keep her pouting as she been scold. I can't help to squeeze inside how cute she is. Ehh?

"Mr.Akira told us about you moving to their house. I think that's the best solution. Its time for you to being a good wife to her. Act like a married couple." Her dad said.

"Yes. Remember to take care of her. Feed her well. She's now eat for two. Mina, if she being childish again just tell me." Her mom said giving her death glance.

I can see her face change a bit but quickly compose herself notice me looking at her.

"But, Haneul school is far from there. I didn't even have a car to send him." She mumbles slowly to herself and sigh.

But, it didn't skip from me and my dad hearing. I look at my dad and he nodded.

"Don't worry about that. I will take care of that. Here." Dad said and give her a key.

"What's this?" She asked confused.

"That's a car key. I decide to give a car to you for you easy to move. Just thinking that a present for you marriage." Dad said.

"No no no. I can't take it. Hmm. I can handle it myself. Don't worry." She said.

"Chaeyoung. Just take it okay." I said softly to her and smiling.

"Hm-hmm. O-okay." She stuttering answer.

Then, I can feel little hand hold my hand. I turn myself and looking the little one. He hold my hand tightly and smiling widen. He's so cute like his dada. Ehh..

"Miss, are you okay? Are you feel sick?" He asked softly to me. I can see he being concern to me.

"I'm okay now. Seeing you, I'm feeling much better." I said pinch his cheek.

"Yeah. Don't sick." He asked again.

"Stop calling me miss. I told you before, just call me aunty Mina." I said.

"But, dada told to calling you miss. Dada also said I'm gonna have dumpling after this." He said smiling.

"Just call me aunty Mina okay? Dumpling? Its not dumpling sweetie. Its sibling." I said laughing. He's so cute. I can't.

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