Chapter 46

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"What the hell are you two doing?" I looked at the two red-head twins. 

Ginny and I had been wandering around aimlessly, while we waited for the 5th years to come out of their exams. 

"You want in Baby Potter? We're going to interrupt the OWL exam and then we're leaving," Fred answered while George grabbed their brooms. 

"Unlike you two we've still got two more years," Ginny reasoned. "I'm not sure mum will be happy if you get me or Rose kicked out."

They turned to me, "I'm with Gin on this one but I want a front row seat." I grinned wickedly at the thought of Umbridge's face when the twins interrupted the exam. 

"Well, I'd start making your way towards the Great Hall. The show will begin shortly," the twins called to the whole of the Gryffindor common room. 

I watched as everyone glanced over, confusion filled their faces but not wanting to miss a Weasley prank they got up and made their way out of the common room. Ginny and I paced ourselves as we walked down to the entrance hall. Filch was stood patrolling the corridor, moving us all on out into the courtyard. 

Everyone muttered and moaned as we waited and waited. Some of the others, who had followed Ginny and I out, were getting impatient and started heading inside. They all froze and moved backwards slightly. 

Loud smashes and explosions sounded down the corridor, causing everyone to lean round to see through the doors. Fred and George came soaring through the corridor letting fireworks off left, right and centre. 

"Oh my god," I laughed. 

"Mum is going to kill them," Ginny laughed. 

The doors to the Great Hall swung open as Umbridge appeared. A small fizzling firework spiralled around her before darting past her into the Great Hall. The fizzing crackle sounded along with a flash of blue as the firework went off. 

The twins swooped past Umbridge and into the Great Hall on their broomsticks making as much noise as they possibly could. Umbridge turned around as the cheering and explosions increased in volume. 

"I'm not missing this," I called to the Gryffindors as we raced inside to watch. 

The exams were up in the air as firework after firework went off. Everyone got up out of their seats and were talking in the isles as Umbridge moved into the hall, anger and disbelief welling in her every pore. 

Obviously pleased with the amount chaos they had instigated, including scaring the Slytherins, they chucked a large firework up. It released two fireworks, which merged into the shape of a dragon. Its snout smoking, it raced forwards, teeth bared after the fleeing Umbridge. 

Everyone outside moved out of the way as Umbridge came running out with the firework dragon on her pink behind. Its jaw closed around her setting off loads of little fireworks. The glass of the educational Decrees shattered before they all came tumbling down. 

Fred and George lead the 5th years out to the courtyard with the Gryffindor crowd on their tale. Cheers of joy and happiness echoed through the halls of Hogwarts once more. The firework display continuing outside as they broadcasted their new premises in Diagon Alley, Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. 

Hermione slipped in beside Ginny and I as we started cheering. Hands in the air clapping. I noticed Hermione spin around and stop clapping. 

Harry was crumbled on the floor. His eyes glazed and unfocused as if he was no longer in his body. His breath laboured as he swayed from side to side slightly. 

"Harry,"  I called as I pushed back through the crowd towards him. I knew Hermione was following in the wake I had made. 

"Sirius," he blurted out once I was kneeled in front of him. "He's got Sirius."

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