Chapter 49

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I flooed from Weasley's Wizard Wheezes back to the Burrow. Nobody was in the kitchen as I came through so I made my way up to Ginny, Hermione and my room. 

"Hey," I spoke as I pushed the door open. 

"You're back," Ginny smiled, "Anymore attacks today?"

I shook my head,  "It's been quiet since they took Ollivander."

Hermione walked in to our voices, "Did you work at the joke shop, today?" 

"I did this afternoon. I spent the morning sorting wands. I'm almost half-way through," I answered as I pulled off my cloak and let my hair out from the ponytail, which was pulling at the top of my head. 

"I really don't understand how you can tell what wand is which. They all look the same," Hermione complained as she moved to grab her toothbrush. 

"It's all in the pigmentation of the wood. Every core feels different, you know. It was one of the first things Mr Ollivander taught me," I grinned. 

"You'll have to show me sometime. I'm off to brush my teeth," Hermione waved her toothbrush before she disappeared off to the bathroom. 

"I'm going to get changed, I think," I decided as I rifled through my trunk pulling one Harry's old shirts and a pair of black leggings. 

"I'm going to go find that book I was going to show you," Ginny pushed herself off her window seat and left the room free for me to change. 

I'd gotten use to changing quickly, having lived at the Dursleys and then last year sharing the Slytherin dormitory for a while. 

"Mum?" I heard Ginny yell. 

"Ginny, what is it?" Mr Weasley responded and it sounded like she was only on the floor below me. 

I moved to make my way out to see what was going on when Ginny spoke again, "I was only wondering when Harry got here." 


"What? Harry? Harry who?" Mrs Weasley asked as she started making her way down the stairs. 

I opened the door and leaned over the banister, "My Harry?" 

"Harry Potter, of course," Ginny nodded to me. 

"I think I'd know if Harry Potter was in my house, wouldn't I?" Mrs Weasley called down to Ginny. 

I started making my way down so I wasn't yelling up and down the staircase, falling in beside Mrs Weasley, who was gradually making her way down to the living room. 

"His trunk's in the kitchen, and his owl," Ginny insisted. 

Mrs Weasley shook  her head as we reached the bottom of the stairs and stopped on the next landing, "No, dear, I seriously doubt that."

I looked up at the sound of thudding footsteps, "Harry? Did someone say Harry?" Ron called down. 

"Me, nosey! Is he up there with you?" Ginny asked him. 

Ron denied, "Of course not. I'd know if my best friend was in my room, wouldn't I?"

Hermione came running out of the bathroom, "Is that an owl, I heard?"

"You haven't seen him, have you?" Ginny asked her, "Apparently, he's wandering about the house." 

"Really?" Hermione asked. 

A voice spoke from behind Ginny, "Really."

"Harry!" Molly cried with joy as she ushered me to run down first. 

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