Chapter 2

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I felt myself being shaken away from my beautiful dream. I had been sorted into Gryffindor and Harry was there smiling at me and then I even got to sit next to him during the first meal and I met Hermione. 

"Little Potter wake up?" I felt an unfamiliar voice speak yet I knew I heard it before. 

I opened my eyes to see  someones face right in front of my own. I release an ear splitting scream before I felt the tears appearing in my eyes as I started to chock. This happened regularly if someone got to near me and I didn't feel comfortable or know them very well. I looked around for Harry but he was there. 

That's when I felt two familiar arm pull me out of the car and into their arms. 

"It's okay Rosie." He calmed me while stroking my hair "it's just George. "

I swallowed all the tears and turned around and saw three boys staring at me including George who had scared me mere seconds ago. 

"Sorry George. I'm not to good with being too close to people I don't particularly know." I apologised. 

"It's okay. We'll just have to get you comfortable to us then." He smirked before picking me and throwing me over his shoulder as he made his way towards the house. 

Unusually I didn't freak out. The Weasleys, of which I have met so far, seemed really nice and didn't scare me plus I could see Harry following with Ron at his side so I knew nothing bad would happen.

Once we made our way inside George placed me down as we quietly snuck inside. My eyes swept the room. This was so cool. I watched Harry walk towards the pans that were washing themselves.George offered me some food once he took his jacket off but I simply shook my head as I went to look at the clock that Harry was staring at then my eyes caught the knitting needles knitting by themselves. This place was truly magical. 

"It's not much but it's home." I heard Ron speak. 

How could he not think this place was wonderful. It's so much cooler than the Dursley's I bet it was only just behind Hogwarts on the coolest places to be. 

"I think it's brilliant." Harry spoke while I just nodded and smiled in glee. 

Suddenly a woman came rushing downstairs and I quickly jumped behind Harry. His body size hiding my petite one quite easily. 

"Where have you been?" She yelled before taking notice of my brother. "Harry, how wonderful to see you dear." The voice calmed. I prepared to step out from behind Harry but her voice raised again making me shrink even further into Harry's back. "Beds empty. No note. Car gone. You could have died. You could have been seen! Course I don't blame you Harry."  She calmed again. 

"They were starving them mum. There were bars on their window." Ron spoke.

"You best hope I don't put bars on your window Ronald Weasley." She spoke pointing at Ron. "Them?" She picked up. 

I slowly peaked around Harry catching the eye of the lady who had just changed moods at least 4 times in the past minute. 

"Well who are you then?" She smiled kindly towards me. I slowly stepped around Harry but stayed tight to his chest and not stepping to far away from him. 

"I'm Rose ma'm. Harry's little sister." I murmer loud enough for them all to hear me just. 

"You can call me Molly, dear." She smiled. "Come on time for a spot of breakfast." She smiled before ushering Harry to the table while George lead me by the hand with Fred pushing from behind. 

Once we'd all settled down in out seats . Myself in between Fred and George one side and Harry and Ron opposite us. Mrs Weasley was still serving breakfast for us all. An older boy, who introduced himself as Percy had come down to join us. 

"Umm mummy have you seen my jumper?" A girl who believed was my age came tumbling down the stairs. 

"Yes, it was on the cat." Molly responded as she placed some food in front of my brother. 

The girl took one look at my brother and her eyes widened. "Hello." My brother spoke before the girl cautiously stepped back and made a run back up the stairs. Fred and George sent each other an amused look over my head. 

"Who was that I?"I asked. 

"Ginny. She's the youngest of us, only girl too. She's starting Hogwarts this year too." Fred answered while Ron and Harry discussed Ginny opposite us. I made a mental note to get to know her so I knew someone in my year at least. 

"Morning Weasleys!" A man spoke as he entered the house from behind me. 

Everyone chorused morning back to him apart from Harry and myself.

"What a night nine raids... Nine!" The man spoke as he took of his hat and cloak not noticing myself or Harry at the table. 

"Raids?" Harry asked Ron.

Ron then explained that his father worked at this ministry on muggle artifacts.

"Muggles?" I asked George.

"Non magic folk. We really need to catch you up little Potter. We'll make sure you know everything before you get to Hogwarts." He responded so I nodded in agreement. 

The man then sat down next to Harry. 

"And you are?" He asked Harry.

"Oh, Sorry sir. Harry, sir. Harry Potter." Harry responded before the man looked at me. 

"I'm Rose Potter, Sir." I smiled shyly. 

"Good Lord! Are you really?" He said eyeing us up excitedly. 

"Ron's told us all about you Harry. Not you though Rose, I'm afraid." He spoke. 

"I only met Ron today sir." I responded and the man nodded. 

"When did they get here?" He asked as he tucked into his food. 

"This morning." Molly spoke as she turned away from the fire. "Your sons flew that enchanted car of yours to Surrey and back last night." She responded.

"Did you really?" Mr Weasley responded. "How did it go?" He asked before getting slapped by Mrs Weasley causing me to giggle into my hand. "I mean that was very wrong indeed boys, very wrong. Now Harry and Rose you must know all about muggles. What exactly is the function of a rubber duck?"

Harry looked confused and stuttered. 

"It's a toy we give to young children to play with in the bath, Mr Weasley." I answered for Harry who looked thankful yet shocked for my sudden courage. 

Before Mr Weasley could quiz us more on muggles an owl squawked before flying straight into the window.

"That will be Errol with the post." Mrs Weasley spoke."fetch it will you Percy please" She spoke once she watched it hit the window. Percy walked towards the bird and retrieved the large bundle of letters from the bird. 

"It's our Hogwarts letters."Percy proclaimed. "They even sent us Rose and Harry's."

"Dumbledore must know you're here."Mr Weasley remarked. 

Once I got my letter I eagerly opened it a wide grin on my face while Fred and George simply sniggered at my excitement. 

"There's only one place we're going to get all this Diagon Alley." Mrs Weasley spoke. 

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