Chapter 45

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The steady silence was only interrupted by the seconds passing until we would all be free. The steady scratching of quills and almost silent gritting of teeth and murmurs of pain flickered throughout the room. 

Line after line I traced across the paper, etching further and further into my skin. I noticed after a few lines people were writing slower or barely touching the paper with their quills but I refused. Eyes burning with fire I made eye contact with our new headmistress as I pressed my quill firmly into the paper and quickly wrote the words over the paper. The searing agonising pain in my hand burned but I'd had worse and I was not going to allow the evil witch to have the satisfaction. I would not be submissive and I would not yield to her tyranny. 

I must not break the rules
I must not break the rules

Scrawl after scrawl scattered across the page. When we had walked in and taken a seat, Umbridge had distributed a variety of lines she wanted copied out for the hour. She now lorded over us sitting in Dumbledore's chair at the front while she drank her tea. 

By the time the detention was over, my hand ached and blood oozed out of the wound. I walked out of the room with my head held high before we were out of sight. I brushed past Cho before grabbing my hand in my other one. 

"You should have let up," Ginny whispered from beside me as she cradled her own hand. 

"I couldn't let her have the satisfaction," I gritted through my teeth as I tried to stop the bleeding. 

"You're just going to make it worse. Umbridge is out to get us as it is," Ginny groaned as she stretched her fingers to make sure there was no damage. "You might want to go to Madam Pomphrey. Yours is a lot worse than the rest of ours."

I shook my head, "It will just get back to her besides I said I'd meet Draco in the Slytherin common room. He wanted to make sure I was alright after," I nudged my head back the way we came. 

"He's not going to be happy," She warned. 

"Well, he'll just have to deal with it," I shrugged before stopping. 

"I'll see you in the dorm later," Ginny spoke. 

I nodded my head, "I'm off to get babied."

Ginny laughed before she followed the rest of the group on to the Gryffindor common room. I walked on and turned down the stairs to the dungeons. Focusing on the click of my shoes against the stone floor, I attempted to distract myself from the throbbing pain. 

"Miss Potter!" I spun to see Professor Snape looming in the doorway of his office. 

"Yes Professor," I asked as I moved over to him. 

He nodded his head into his office so I followed him inside. I watched as he sorted through his cupboard until he pulled out a vial, "Take this a sip before bed and again when you wake until you finish the vial. It will help."

I accepted the vial, "Why?"

"Because I knew a girl like you when I was at school here. In the end I couldn't help her so I'm going to do all I can to help you," he spoke softly, his eyes gazing across the room hauntingly. He eventually focused in on me, "I believe Mr Malfoy is waiting for you." 

"Thank you, Professor," I spoke before I slipped back out of his office and continued on my way to the Slytherin common Room. 

I stopped in front of the stone wall, cupping my still bleeding hand to my chest, "Pure blood."

The stone bricks slowly moved and revealed the entrance into the common room. I made my way inside and turned to head down the stairs when somebody yelled, "Malfoy!"

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