Chapter 69

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We'd finally made it to Godric's Hollow and I resembled the abominable snowman. I felt it excessive: the coat, the hat, the two scarves and gloves. Neither of the others would let me come with them if I didn't have the 99 layers on. 

Hermione and Harry had spent weeks planning and arguing through this plan. Hermione wasn't happy with the outcome, "I still think we should've used Polyjuice Potion."

"No," Harry whispered back. "This is where we were born. It wouldn't be right to return as someone else." 

"And I don't feel comfortable taking Polyjuice potion with Baby star in there. I'm not sure that it is safe," I shrugged. 

A bell tolled from the nearby church. Harry linked arms with Hermione and I so he had one of us on either arm. 

"Harry, Rose, I think it's Christmas Eve," Hermione voiced as someone slammed a door behind us. "Listen."

We stopped and listened to the sound of carolling from the service. 

"Do you think they'd be in there?" Harry asked. I followed his eyes to the graveyard and I squeezed his arm as I realised who he meant. "Our mum and dad."

Hermione paused for a while, "Yeah, I think they would." 

"Can we go look?" I asked the pair. 

Harry nodded walking us over to the gate, we all broke apart and filled in. I made my way over to what appeared to be a newer section of the graveyard. I could tell Harry was nearby, while Hermione looked at the graves nearer the gate. 

A fair amount of the gravestones held the identities of wizarding families, till I stumbled across the one we'd been looking for. I turned to Harry but he was already looking at me, probably hearing me stop. I nodded so he made his way over. I  settled in the snow in front of their grave before I wiped away the snow from the stone, clearing up the names. 

'In Loving Memory of  James Potter * Lily Potter'

The dates a brutal reminder of our parents short lives etched into the stone beneath each of their names respectively. I pushed myself to stand as the steady sound of the snow crunching, signalled Hermione's arrival. I watched as she leaned down and with a wave of her wand, a wreath of flowers appeared resting against the stone. 

"Merry Christmas, Hermione, Rose," Harry sniffled out. 

I reached across and linked our hands, sharing a comforting squeeze while Hermione croaked out, "Merry Christmas,  Harry." 

The three of us stood staring at the stone for a while, letting it all sink in. I noticed Hermione pulling away slightly before she whispered, "Guys, there's someone watching us. By the church." 

I tensed slightly my hand going up to rest on my bump, which was protruding more and more by the day. I felt Harry shift slightly as he turned to look towards the church, I tilted my body slightly, catching a shrouded figure lurking before turning away from us. 

"I think I know who that is," Harry insisted. 

"Since when did you know an old lady?" I hissed at him, not moving my eyes from the woman in the distance. 

"I think it's Bathilda Bagshot," Harry answered in a low voice before he started following her out of the graveyard. 

I rushed to keep up with him, "The textbook lady? You want us to follow the textbook lady?" 

"I don't like this, Harry," Hermione agreed with me as we headed down the streets of Godric's Hollow. 

Harry whispered to us both, "She knew Dumbledore. She might have the sword." 

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