Chapter 38

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"Are you sure you want to spend the afternoon at Hogmeade with Ginny?" Draco complained, "It would be so much better if you spent it with me." 

Since I had decided, late last night, to at least give this meeting a shot, Draco had been trying to convince me otherwise. He can be very persuasive but at the same time I was very stubborn. "Draco I spend all my time with you. It's time I hung out with my other friends. It would also stop you from being so clingy." 

"I'm not clingy!" Draco disagreed adamantly. 

"So it wasn't you who refuses to let me out of sight? It wasn't you who insisted on an extra five minutes in bed this morning to cuddle? It certainly wasn't you who loves to force feed me breakfast in the morning? I'm sorry I obviously seem to be spending no time with you at all and instead my other extremely attractive Slytherin boyfriend," I reasoned. 

"Did somebody say extremely attractive Slytherin boyfriend? Weren't talking about me were you, Rose?" Blaise appeared at my side. 

"Shut it!" Draco growled at Blaise, while pulling me to him so my chest was against his own. 

"Hi Blaise," I smiled at him we stood in the courtyard waiting for the carriages to arrive to take us to Hogsmeade. 

"What's got his knickers in a twist?" Blaise asked me, ignoring the volatile blond possessively holding me. 

"Somebody is throwing a hissy fit because I'm meeting up with Ginny after lunch," I explained to Blaise while Draco grumbled hiding his face in my red locks. 

"You're leaving me with Draco in Hogsmeade," Blaise complained. 

"It's not like I want to be left with you either," Draco argued back. 

"Right, get your backsides in the carriage," I pointed to the arriving carriages as I pulled away from Draco. "Beside Crabbe and Goyle are meeting you after their detention, with Snape, at the Three Broomsticks. You won't be alone." 

I didn't allow either of them to respond as I climbed into the carriage, which Neville, Luna and Ginny had claimed.

"Alright Weaslette," Draco grumbled as he slid onto the seat beside me and Blaise sat down opposite him.

"Why are you mad at me now?" Ginny complained in annoyance, I wouldn't say they were friends but they tolerated each other. They tolerated each other as much as I tolerated pug-faced Parkinson. 

"He is just sulking because I'm spending the afternoon with you guys and they're not invited," I spoke clearly so they all knew not to share the meeting with the boys. 

"You're surrounded by nargles, you know. It's bad for your head," Luna lulled to Draco. 

I shook my head at Blaise, who I knew was going to the ask the question. Either Blaise was really stupid or was just trying to punish me for ditching them this afternoon. "What's a nargle?" I kicked him as hard as I could. Blaise just stuck his tongue out at me. He did it on purpose.

I leaned into Draco's side as Luna started her in-depth description of Nargles. I watched the castle fade into the distance as we trundled along the path towards Hogsmeade. Draco traced his hand lightly up and down my arm. I enjoyed the peace and fresh air. The purity of everything away from Umbridge and her gradually growing dictatorship at school. 

Thankfully, magic carriages meant the journey didn't take long and we were soon jumping down and separating for the morning. 

"I'll meet you outside the owl office," I confirmed, which Ginny nodded since it was only round the corner from the Hog's Head. 

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