Chapter 53

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Hogwarts was once again burrowed beneath layers of snow. The air was cold and fresh, tickling against the students' noses causing more than one required pepper-up potion. Hats and scarves had become an almost vital part of the uniforms. This meant I was even more red than normal. Red windswept hair. Red nose and cheeks. The matching red Gryffindor hat and scarf. In the sense of fashion, after a week I had acquired Draco's green Slytherin hat, which contrasted my hair nicely. Many didn't question, already use to the support for my boyfriend's house. I had only received one questioning look from Slughorn before he turned mumbling, "Amortentia", before carrying on through the courtyard. 

Today was a Hogsmeade weekend, which Ginny was spending with Dean, leaving me to spend it with the Slytherins or my brother and his friends. 

Sadly, Draco had coined himself a detention straight after breakfast but promised he would take me on the next Hogsmeade weekend. He still tried to elongate breakfast as long as possible.

"Mr Malfoy, I believe you are due in my classroom for detention," McGonagall walked up to where we were sat at the Slytherin table. 

"I'm still eating, Professor," Draco argued as he shoved some of the fruit from my plate into his mouth. 

"No, Mr Malfoy. You are eating Miss Potter's breakfast."

I smiled up at her, "Draco is just making sure I eat. I promise I'll send him up as soon as I finish." 

"I'm putting my trust in you, Miss Potter," McGonagall spoke after a few decisive minutes of thought. She continued walking to the doors, while ridiculing a few students on her way. 

Draco put another piece of food on my plate to replace the piece he had eaten. While leaned over he pressed a kiss to my forehead, "You are such a teacher's pet."

"No, I'm smart and likeable. There's a difference," I argued. 

"Of course there is, Sweetheart," Draco patronised me. "Now finish your breakfast."

I finished eating my fruit before turning towards Draco, "Now somebody needs to go serve detention while I stock up on fudge flies with Blaise."

"Translation, she is going to make me pay for her fudge flies," Blaise slid into the bench opposite us. He buttered a slice of toast and shoved it in his mouth. 

"That is what I said," I shrugged, as I smiled across the table at him. 

"I see how it is you're just using me for my money," Blaise argued. "Well, maybe, I'll tell Draco about that time-" 

I shoved his toast in his mouth causing him to choke on his food. 

"Tell me what?" Draco asked. 

I panicked and grabbed his hand, pulling him up from the table, "McGonagall wants you for detention. I'll drop you off so you don't ditch like you did the last time. That is why you're serving a detention on a Saturday." I spun to Blaise, who was glaring at me as if he stopped chocking, "I'll meet you by the carriages."

Blaise nodded as he chugged down some pumpkin juice. 

Draco and I turned and walked out of the hall, grabbing a hold of his hand so he didn't run try to ditch. We walked in peaceful silence as Draco squeezed my hand and I squeezed back. A repetition that happened frequently as we walked past the transfiguration classroom. 

I knocked on the classroom door before opening it, "Hey Professor, dropping off the detentionee."

"Thank you, Miss Potter. Enjoy Hogsmeade," McGonagall peered over her glasses at me from her desk. 

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