Chapter 48

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Paper after newspaper was released following the events at the Ministry. They revealed that Voldemort had returned. The Ministry publicly apologised to both Harry and Dumbledore. Umbridge being suspended had been published alongside the article of Dumbledore's reinstatement as Headmaster. Everybody was happy with these articles. I was happy with these articles but nobody gave a thought for the other articles. 

Most of the Death Eaters at the Ministry that night had been trialled and convicted. They been sentence to Azkaban and the picture they had chosen was that of Lucius Malfoy. That was the article I was unhappy about. Not because he didn't deserve it but because Draco had started to close in on himself. It was like he was there but not at the same time and I didn't know how to help him. 

I was sort of relieved once term came to an end, I think Draco needed to spend time with his mum without the looks. People staring because of what his father had done. Time to figure out who he was going to be, without his father lording over him. 

Draco had gone ahead with Blaise and his friends to get on the train before the crowds got there. I hadn't finished packing, which left me walking to the station with Harry and the DA. 

"I've been thinking about something Dumbledore said to me," Harry spoke up after we got out of the carriages. 

"What's that?" Hermione asked as I slipped in beside Neville.

"That even though we've got a fight ahead of us, we've got one thing that Voldemort doesn't have," Harry spoke with a sense of certainty in his voice. 

A grin spread across my face, "A nose. Amazing hair. Morals. A heart. Need I go on."

Harry glared at me as he tried to not smile, "Something worth fighting for."

"But he's got something we haven't got," I decided ruining Harry's speech of optimism. "A completed schooling career. I mean the man has passed his OWLs and NEWTs."

Harry spun round to me, "You know I love you, Rosie, but if you're going to be a pessimist, go sit with the Slytherins."

"If you insist, I'll see you at King's Cross!" I grinned as I made a mad dash from them and onto the train.

Boarding the train was the easy part, finding the carriage full of Slytherins was the hard part. Maybe I should learn a tracking spell or make a map of the train, like the Marauder's map. I glanced inside every compartment I passed as I walked further down the train and I still hadn't seen them. Who would have though looking for a bunch of pure-blood, well-dressed witches and wizards would be hard on a train full of kids. 

Nearing the back of the train, I looked inside another compartment, finally spotting Blaise and Draco. Unfortunately, Crabbe, Goyle, Theo and Pansy were inside as well. I slid open the door gaining everyone's attention. 

"Is it okay, if I sit with you?" I asked. 

Blaise grinned offering his hand, "Of course." When I accepted his outstretched hand, he pulled me into the compartment.

"But there isn't anymore seats!" Pansy complained. 

"I can fix that," Blaise grinned as he stood up.  I originally thought he was going to offer me his seat but instead he grabbed my waist and pushed me to sit on Draco. Draco didn't complain and just wrapped his arms round my waist, putting his head on my shoulder and went back to looking out the window. 

I watched as Blaise took his seat once again, "Now everyone has a seat."

"But Draco might not want her on his lap!" Pansy complained in her annoying voice. I think sometimes she forgot I was his girlfriend. 

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