Chapter 59

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Blaise managed to grab me before I'd raced to ridicule my brother, instead leading me down to the Slytherin dorms. He told me I needed to simmer down before I went on a killing spree. Blaise had practically held me down in Draco's bed until I fell asleep, bringing me breakfast and lunch with the help of Dobby. He'd finally determined me able to return to my own common room to deal with my brother, promising he'd check on Draco until I returned. Consider Blaise's annoying presence half of Draco's punishment for getting in a duel with my brother. 

The silent walk from the Slytherin common room to Gryffindor tower, allowed a milder version of the anger I'd been feeling yesterday to brew in my stomach. I barely recall telling the Fat Lady the password before she ridiculed me on my attitude and let me inside. 

I barely looked round the room before I spotted my brother sat between his two best friends, not a care in the world. He actually looked distracted more than anything. 

I slammed my hand onto his shoulder causing him to jump. He looked up at me before his eyes bugged wide, "Upstairs." 

I didn't even wait before I headed up the stairs and into Harry's dorm, which nobody was in. I easily spotted Harry's bed, it wasn't even made and his stuff was all over the place. My body automatically moved to angry clean, throwing stuff into his trunk before straightening his sheets. I slumped onto his bed, drained beyond anything so I just stared up at the canopy of his bed. I didn't shift at the sound of the door opening. The only movement I made was shuffling to the side as Harry slumped down into the space next to me. 

"I'm sorry," his words crackled through the air fading into nothing. 

"You can't keep doing this to me, Harry. You can't choose when and when not to like my boyfriend and you definitely can not leaving him bleeding out on the bathroom floor. I'm going to ask one question and I want an honest answer before I try and let this go," I sighed, rolling onto my side to look at him. He copied my action before nodding at me to continue. "Who cast a spell first?" 

I don't know what answer I was hoping for because I couldn't isolate either of these two guys out of my life. If Draco cast first, I would only be able to reiterate that my Harry is my brother but if Harry shot first, all I can do is try and protect my boyfriend.

"I did," Harry whispered. "I didn't mean for it to go so far. I didn't know what that spell would do."

The fact that Harry cast a spell at my boyfriend when he had no idea the consequences or the purpose of the spell, angered me slightly. They both needed to realise they weren't on different sides in this war. They were both too young to pick sides but knowing they had to, they would pick whichever side would keep me safe. If those two actually realised this common ground they shared it might be the start of truce between but neither would be the bigger person. 

"I'm not going to get angry but I'm disappointed. I thought we were past this and I know you think he is evil but he is just the same as you and me. He is a kid caught up in a world at war, you need to give him a chance," I told him. 

Harry sighed before pulling me into a side hug. "One more chance but I'm not going to go out of my way to be nice to him," he grumbled in annoyance. 

"I don't expect you to," I trailed off knowing that I'd also have to have words with my boyfriend about attacking my brother again. The true nature of this war dawning on me and the small fact brought me closer to the reality my parents faced. The wonder if they were scared too or had friends, who had no choice but to become death eaters because of the circumstances of their birth. I wondered if they too were scared at the prospect that within a few years people they knew could be dead or as it ended up they would be dead, each dying in front of one of their children. I'd never felt closer to my parents than realising I was about to go into a war, where my brother and I were the main targets, even if I were to only be a pawn in order to get to him. I rolled over to Harry, "How are you faring with Slughorn?"

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