Chapter 78

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The place was a mess still. Ollivander was gone and now his shop would disappear from Diagon Alley. All these wands we'd made, they'd remain unsold. Left to rot or whatever the Ministry decided to do with them. It was the reality of a lot of homes and shops. The number of people killed during the war had left a gap in society and a lot of paperwork for the Ministry to get through. 

Harry, Hermione and Ron spent days at the Ministry helping Kingsley take up the post for Minister for Magic. Harry was often involved in the Death Eaters trials. He'd been given a temporary auror license to help bring in the Death Eaters and provide evidence against them for their trial. From what Harry had told me they'd started with the lesser Death Eaters - the ones who didn't have the intelligence or magical aptitude to stay hidden with the Ministry breathing down their necks. 

Hermione was more involved in the review of all Ministry personnel, removing anyone who had worked for Voldemort or was blood-biased. Even occasionally heading out to deal with will readings and estate division. While Ron split his time. Part with Harry and collecting Death Eaters while the other was spent following Hermione around like a lost puppy. 

Draco hadn't been brought up for trial yet. Blaise tried to keep me in the loop whenever he came to hang out with Gemini but most of the time I didn't want to hear it. Narcissa, Lucius and Draco were on house arrest in Malfoy Manor. They were allowed house guests, but only once the guest had been cleared by the ministry to pass through the defensive walls. 

Gemini gurgled from her Moses basket, which I'd placed on top of the counter in Ollivander's. She'd grown bigger and bigger every week, time seemed to fly away quicker than I could absorb it. Now just over 13 weeks old she was a chatty little girl, not that you really understood her. She was aware of noise and was curious where sounds came from. Still not comfortable around strangers but as soon as she heard the voice of somebody she recognised she was cooing and gurgling with little arm raises expecting her cuddles. 

The bell over the door sounded, dragging my attention away from Gemini as she tried to role around to see what was going on. 

"Hey Hermione," I greeted my friend as she walked through the door. "What can I do for you?"

Hermione first went and greeted Gemini, who gave Hermione one of her best gummy smiles. Then Hermione turned to me, "Hey Rose. I was hoping you'd be here. I've come with a few wills you're written into." 

"Wills? Like plural and not just Remus?" I'd expected Uncle Remus to leave me something, possibly, but multiple I had not expected. 

"You've been listed in the Will and Testaments of Remus Lupin, Garrick Ollivander and Severus Snape," Hermione read out. 

"Snape?" I puzzled for what felt like a long time. 

"Is there anywhere we can sit down?" Hermione asked. 

I found myself nodding before scooping Gemini up and leading Hermione around into the back. I cleared a space on the floor, placing down a blanket then transferring Gemini onto it for some tummy time. She loved the fact she could see more as she moved her head side to side. Hermione and I sat down at the little table nearby so I could keep an eye of Gem. 

Hermione shuffled through the paperwork in front of her until it was all laid out as she wanted it. She looked up at Gemini as she gurgled before slipping into her official persona. 

"This is the last Will and Testament of Remus Lupin." She scanned down the page until she got to my name, "For Rose Lily Potter, I leave her mother's locket. It's about time it made it's way to her. For Gemini Crescent Malfoy-"

"He left something for Gemini?" I questioned. How new was this will?

Hermione nodded before continuing, "For Gemini Crescent Malfoy, I leave this photo album," Hermione reached into her bag and pulled out a thick photo album. "In the hopes she always remembers the importance of friendship and family as well as that she is loved."

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