Chapter 57

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OWLs could kill me dead. Whose idea was it to make us start revision as soon as Christmas was over? Was I not traumatised enough!

The library was filled with fifth years studying for OWLs as well as seventh years, who were dying from impending doom of NEWTs. There were only two people who didn't fall into one of those two categories. Hermione, who was sat in the back of the library planning her next Transfiguration essay, and Blaise, who had taken it upon himself to interrupt Ginny, Luna, Penny and I at every chance he got. 

"Blaise?" I asked him.

"Yes, Rose," he grinned at me as he snatched another quill from my hand, having already stolen and broken my previous two. 

"Do you remember Draco's concussion in your second year?" I asked him. 

"Of course. He had a bump on his head for a week and complained about it the entire year," Blaise shrugged sticking my quill into his mouth. 

With a sigh I pulled out another one from my bag, "Well, you're one Wingardium Leviosa from your own." 

"My own, what?"

In annoyance I pushed everything off mine off the desk and into my bag. "That's it. I'll see you all later," I smiled apologetically at the girls. 

"Where are you going?" Blaise complained pushing up to his feet. 

I smirked, shoving the chair back, "To find somewhere quiet to study." 

With those final words, I headed out of the library and away from Blaise and his irritating questions and comments. I mused over in my head where to go before I moved towards the staircase. Slowly, I made my way up to the seventh floor, hoping that Draco is where I think he'll be. 

I paced outside the room of requirement shifting my bag to the other arm, as the one it was on was starting to ache. The door slowly emerged into sight. I stepped forwards pushing my hand against the door just enough for me to make my way inside. As I predicted the same stacks of unwanted furniture towered high to the ceiling and as normal the entrance had shifted in location to the door. 

I sighed and listened carefully for Draco rummaging. One step. Listen. Another step. Listen, again. I navigated through the large piles until I spotted my blond boyfriend bent inside the vanishing cabinet he had been fixing for reasons I couldn't know. 

"Hey, Draco," I called out to him. 

He sat up so quickly that he knocked his head on the door as he tried to come out of the closet. "Ow!" He cried as he turned to me rubbing his head. 

"You're such an idiot," I laughed at him as I made my way over. 

Draco's arm naturally looped around my waist, as he searched for the comfort that us touching brought each other. He leaned down to rest his forehead against mine, while I inspected the purple under his eyes. I raised my hand to cup his cheek, brushing my thumb under his eyes as if I could will away the lack of sleep. I leaned up connecting our lips in a small, sweet peck. 

"I love you, Ro" he smiled down at me. 

"I love you too." I connected our lips again. 

His hands drew circles on my hips while he left a trail of kisses over my skin, causing me to laugh happily. Eventually he pulled back resting his forehead against mine once again, "What brings you to see me?"

I thought back to Blaise and his annoying actions in the library, "Someone's friend was interrupting my studying for my OWLs." 

Draco laughed, "I have no control over Blaise. He's like a niffler, you can't domesticate them, only distract them." 

"That is so sad. I'm friends with a niffler and a ferret," I complained. 

Draco glared at me, "I am not a ferret." 

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