Chapter 18

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 A/N - Don't worry I'm still alive! I would list the many reasons for the year long delay in this selection of chapters, which would range from A-levels (now University), finishing Twins Of Durin and building Hogwarts on minecraft with my newly converted potterhead friend (Hi! I know you're reading this!). But considering it is nearly 2021 and I have yet to update and still haven't finished Year 4, I'm actually only about a third of the way through. I present to you the first few chapters of the year. I'm aiming to publish at least up to Chapter 23 before new year, the chapter I am currently writing. But anyway I hope you enjoy and will be patient as I finish the creating the remains of the book, which I have some wicked plans for. Don't worry, I will continue updating otherwise my friend will continue bugging me as she has done since being turned and I'd hate to think what her pestering will develop to when we move in together next year. 
Anyway rest assured more is on the way. Comment and let me know what you think of these chapters and any ideas you have on Rose's future! 

Harry and I had arrived at the Weasley's last night, where we would be spending the next weeks until our return to Hogwarts.

"Ginny. What should I wear?" I asked as I returned from the bathroom.

"Your jeans and a comfy top. Dad says we'll be walking." She answers. "I'm off to the bathroom before the boys wake up."

I pulled open my trunk and grabbed a set of underwear and a pair of jeans, pulling them on. I scanned for a top but couldn't decide. I had an idea. 

I pulled on Ginny's dressing gown and dashed up to Ron's room. 

I crept inside and found Harry's trunk I rummaged inside finding what I wanted and headed back to Ginny's room. Pulling off Ginny's rob, I hung it back up on her door and pulled the top on. I brushed my hair through. I grabbed the bag, which Ginny and myself had organised last night when we were told about our trip, and headed downstairs. 

"Morning Mrs Weasley." I smiled as I noticed Molly cooking away at the stove. 

"Morning Rose. There's some muffins on the table. Please help yourself." She turned and smiled at me before returning to the stove. 

"Thank you, Mrs Weasley." I said before heading to the table. 

"Rose." A voice called. I turned to see Hermione walking into the burrow. 

"Hey Hermione." I smiled. 

"Are Harry and Ron awake yet?" She asked. 

"No. You go wake them up and I'll check on Fred and George." I smiled as I grabbed 3 muffins before heading to the Twins room. 

I knocked. 

"Who is it?" I heard Fred call. 

"Your favourite soon to be 3rd year. I have food." I said. 

The door swung open. 

"Why didn't you say so?" Fred and George spoke in sync from the other side of the door way. 

Both reached out grabbing a muffin and walked downstairs with their bags on their backs. 

As we walked into the kitchen where I left my bag, Molly was putting the last bits of breakfast on the table. 

"C'mon. Sit. Sit." Molly ushered us all to the table, including Hermione and Ginny who had followed us down the stairs. "You have a long day ahead of you and you're going to need all the food you can store." She insisted. 

Once I had nearly finished eating, Harry and Ron finally made an appearance with Mr Weasley practically pushing Ron down the stairs. 

"C'mon we have 10 minutes. We can't be late." He ordered the two. 

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