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A young woman with long reddish-brown hair and green eyes was just walking around somewhere as she looked exhausted and starving. She was wearing a white shirt and it was see-through so it revealed a pink crop top which revealed her midsection underneath, she even wore blue denim shorts that had orange suspenders but she didn't have them on, and she was wearing dirty white shoes that had white laces. Her name was Kylie Hopper, she was 18 years old but she wasn't like any other typical 18 year olds. She was like a wild animal, and the reason why would be because her parents had been murdered by some kind of assassin when she was just in her early teens. She never had anyone to take care of her and managed to take care of herself because after seeing her parents get murdered, she just felt like she couldn't trust anybody.

Soon Kylie stopped walking when she suddenly spotted a building that looked really unusual in her eyes, then she thought that maybe she could find some food in there. So she snuck through the side door and slowly walked inside as she hoped to find food somewhere, but then she stopped for a moment when she saw that there was a man who had long light blue hair that featured a two locked fringe and trailed to near knee length and was tied at waist length and was wearing a purple suit talking to one of his employees. She then let out a sigh because she knew that this was going to be difficult to be able to find food, but she couldn't worry about getting caught because she was really starving and she needed something to eat. So she went inside a kitchen where she saw that there was a pan of French fries, she reached in and picked one up before she ate it. Her eyes widened and she licked her lips after she ate it, it appeared that she hadn't had French fries in a long time and she forgot what they tasted like. With that, she started to eat more of the fries, but then...

"Hey!" Kylie suddenly heard a male voice shout out, which got her startled and she turned to see that she had been caught by that employee who was talking to the blue-haired guy and he looked pissed. Kylie who was scared by now grabbed up the pan of fries and was about to head out of the door so she could make an escape, but before she could, the employee caught her and the French fries went scattering across the floor. He turned her around to face him and he appeared to be glaring at her harshly while he held onto her shoulders with his hands really tightly.

"You think you can steal from me, little girl?! Huh?!" He yelled at her, which got the poor young woman scared.

"What's going on?" Came a male's voice all of a sudden, and Kylie looked up to see that it was coming from that blue-haired guy... and she saw that he had different colored eyes from each side. On the right side, his Iris was green, and on the left side, his Iris was gold. Kylie raised her eyebrow as she stared at him because she found him to be pretty strange, but then she knew that she shouldn't stare at him so she averted her eyes.

Suddenly when the blue-haired guy eyed Kylie, his eyes widened because he had that look on his face like he knew who she was. Then he turned to the employee and told him, "Let her go."

The employee sighed and let Kylie go, and after he walked away, the blue-haired man came over to her and asked her, "Might I ask what you're doing here?"

Kylie didn't respond as she just gave him a blank stare. If you want to know something, Kylie was a mute. Whenever she witnesses people doing whatever that scares and horrifies her(Like seeing her parents get murdered), she can never bring herself to speak. As a matter of fact, she can never speak until she knows that she can trust somebody... and she didn't trust that blue-haired man.

When Kylie didn't say anything, the blue-hair was growing annoyed and he yelled at her, "Tell me!!!"

Kylie shifted uncomfortably because she didn't like his attitude, then she turned around and began heading out of the building because she knew that the guy was not to be trusted.

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