Ch. 2 Feelings... and Carrie

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After school, both Sora and Tea were hanging out in some empty classroom together so that they could talk privately about how her relationship with Yami was going.

"So, Sora... how's everything going with Yami?" Tea asked her best friend as she seemed really interested to know.

"It's going good, but I'm also sad because..." Sora started to say, which got Tea curious as she asked "Because what?"

"Because I know that I can't see him again because he may have to go back to his own world. Tea, I think I love him. He's so different from any other guy I've ever seen or met in my life, and I just always feel so happy around him. If he leaves, I just don't know what I'll do." Sora explained as she was looking down sadly.

"Sora..." Tea started, just before she put her hand on Sora's shoulder and smiled softly at her.

"Just enjoy the time you have with him. Who knows? Maybe Yami could be able to stay here. We don't know that, but maybe he will."

Sora looked up to face her best friend and she managed to give her a small smile, "Thanks, Tea."

"Of course, Sora." Tea nodded as she was also smiling as well, then both she and Sora moved towards each other so they could hug each other. The two girls held each other for a little longer, until they finally pulled back to face each other and they were smiling & giggling at each other.

"Wanna go meet up with the guys?" Tea suddenly asked, to which Sora nodded and said "Yeah, let's."

Tea giggled and Sora did the same just as both girls headed out of the empty classroom... not knowing that Yami who appeared in Spirit Form while Yugi was taking over was watching and he had heard both Sora and Tea's conversation. He felt his heart warming at how he heard Sora say that she loves him and he's the only guy in the world that makes her so happy, but he also felt his heart breaking when he heard her mention about how he would have to leave and go back to his world and they would never see each other again... He just wished that there was a way for him to stay in the modern world so that he could be with Sora and live happily with her.


While Duke was doing his own business back in his game shop, Marcella went to go to a liquor store so that she could buy herself a snack. After she paid for the bag of potato chips she was buying, she went to head out of the store while she began opening the bag so she could eat the chips... that is when she suddenly bumped into Seto and she easily blushed and felt her heart pounding but then she relaxed and managed to smile at him.

"Hey." She greeted him.

"Hey." Seto greeted the young Mexican woman back as he was also smiling at her as well.

"You doing anything at the moment?" He asked her, to which she shrugged and replied with "Not really. Why?"

"Well, because..." Seto started, just before he let out a sigh. "There's something I want to talk to you about."

Marcella tilted her head in curiosity, just before both she and Seto sat on a bench together and he was telling her about how his sister Sora and Yami were making out with each other in her bedroom last night and how Sora just slammed the door in his face. He would talk to Mokuba about it but since he was dating Lea, Mokuba would have probably told him that it was no big deal and Yami & Sora only love each other just like he and Lea do. Also he didn't trust any of Yugi's friends, but luckily he and Marcella were getting close so she was easy for him to talk to about his problem.

"And then Sora, she just... slams the door. Right in my face." Seto told Marcella, who nodded while eating her chips and said "Yeah?"

"You know, it's that smug son of a bitch Yugi. He's corrupting her, I'm telling you. And I'm just gonna lose it. I mean, I'm gonna lose it, Marcella." Seto continued explaining while he was rolling his eyes.

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