Ch. 29 Yami vs Weevil part 2

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Meanwhile, the duel between Yami and Weevil kept going on.

"Looks like the end of the line for you!" Weevil taunted Yami, just before he laughed.

"What's so funny?" Yami demanded as he was clearly annoyed with Weevil's laughter.

"Take a look at your Celtic Guardian, he's just not himself anymore!!" Weevil answered tauntingly, just as Celtic Guardian had now turned into a cocoon!

'He transformed my only monster into a cocoon! He must be planning to hatch another insect monster!' Yami thought angrily, just before he drew his card and spoke out loud.

"I play Polymerization, allowing me to fuse my knight and my dragon to form Gaia the Dragon Champion!" He announced out loud, just as both his Gaia the Fierce Knight and Curse of Dragon combined together so they could become Gaia the Dragon Champion.

"Now, Gaia, attack!" Yami commanded his monster, but just before Gaia would attack, Weevil just snickered.

"Hold on, you just triggered my trap! DNA Surgery!!!" He announced tauntingly as his facedown card that was a trap card lifted up!

"What's that?!" Yami exclaimed in disbelief.

"Just what I needed to win this duel, it lets me change every monster on the field into an insect, including your Dragon Champion!" Weevil answered tauntingly, just before Yami's Dragon Champion appeared to be sprouting antennae and shooting gunk from its body.

"As you know, my Insect Barrier blocks all insect attacks!" Weevil explained, and by all means, the Dragon Champion was unable to attack due to Insect Barrier blocking him!

'Weevil has me trapped, now every monster I summon becomes a bug! So as long as his Insect Barrier is in play, none of my attacks will get through!' Yami thought to himself nervously, but then when he heard Sora's voice speaking...

"Yami, listen to me! You beat that bug once and you can do it again!" She shouted out to him encouragingly.

"But, Sora, he's stronger now!" Yami replied unsurely.

"So?! You've dealt with harder duels than this before, and I believe you can pull through this as well!"

"Sora..." Yami breathed as he was shocked by his girlfriend's words, and he realized that she was right about what she said.

Then he turned back around to face Weevil, but then his eyes widened when he realized that they were about to get to the overpass so he called out to Weevil urgently, "Weevil, look out!"

So Weevil crouched down just in time to avoid being hit while both Yami and Sora did the same thing, and with that, Weevil got ready to draw as he thanked Yami tauntingly, "Thanks for the warning."

Then he drew while shouting, "Now, back to the game!"

He then snickered when he saw that he drew a good card, so he announced, "I activate the magic card Cell Division, and I'll use it on my Leghul!"

With that, Weevil's Leghul began duplicating, which got Yami tense as he breathed out "Oh no!"

Weevil just laughed and explained about his magic card, "Thanks to my Cell Division card, I have two leeches for the price of one!"

With that said, the other Leghul had the Orichalcos appearing on its forehead and its attack points went up to 800.

Yami just scoffed and taunted Weevil back saying, "If you actually thought I'd be frightened by a monster with a mere 800 attack points, you're sadly mistaken!"

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