Ch. 15 My Freaky Valentine: Lea vs Mai part 2

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"Lea's got barely any life points left, and Mai's got 4000!" Tea cried in disbelief.

"The good news is, it's Lea's move now so she's got one more chance to turn things around." Tristan observed reassuringly.

"It's not like it really matters anyway, cause no matter what happens, someone's gonna end up losing their soul." Tea shook her head, as she felt a little tears form in her eyes. Sora took her best friend's hand while she appeared to be trembling as she was watching the duel between Mai and Lea with worrisome in her face.

'There is a way for Lea to end this duel without someone getting hurt, isn't there?' Yugi asked Yami hopefully.

'Yes, but it won't be easy. The Seal of Orichalcos is powerful. However, it does have limitations, it can only capture a soul when a Duelist loses, and there in lies a secret to escaping its wrath.' Yami answered firmly.

'Huh? I don't get it.' Yugi asked confusedly.

'Let's hope Lea does.'

Lea looked at her cards intently as she thought to herself, 'All right, the odds are not in my favor to say the least, but it's not over until it's over. First I gotta keep those Harpies' claws off of my life points, then I gotta destroy that magic circle. There must be a card in my deck that can help, but which one? If only I could wipe the Seal of Orichalcos off the field, then it wouldn't be able to take anyone's soul.'

Then she realized which card might work, 'Hold on, I think I got it! This card might do the trick, I guess it's worth a shot. What have I got to lose?'

She then drew her card and announced, "I summon The Fiend Megacyber!"

"But that has six stars." Mai sighed.

"That's right, but thanks to its special ability, I can summon it without making a sacrifice as long as you have more monsters in play than I do." Lea replied firmly, before her Fiend Megacyber appeared on the field.

"Now, my fiend, attack her Harpy with cyber swipe!" Lea commanded her monster, before it punched Mai's Harpy and she disappeared for good. Mai's life points went down to 3600, and Lea smirked in satisfaction.

"All right! Lea's back in the game, baby!" Joey cheered happily.

"Yeah but, if Lea wins the duel, then we'll lose Mai forever." Sora added with a worried look on her face, and it made Joey frown since he knew that he didn't want to lose Mai again.

"I don't think Lea's trying to win." Yami suddenly spoke up, which caught Sora's attention.

"I believe she has discovered the secret." Yami continued firmly.

"I'm confused. What secret are we talking about here?" Tea asked confusedly.

"The secret to ending this duel without either of them losing." Yami answered, and Tea realized and understood what he meant.

Back with Rafael, Valon and Kylie....

"I guess Lea decided to go down fighting after all." Valon commented on Lea's brave move.

"She's such a brave kid." Kylie said as she was impressed with Lea's bravery.

"Who cares? There's no way she's gonna win." Rafael scoffed.

"At least there'll be a little excitement for a change." Valon smiled as he was willing to see how much Lea will keep on dueling till the end, and when Kylie noticed him smiling, she couldn't help but blush and feel her heart melt because she thought that he looked so handsome smiling like that.

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