Ch. 13 An unexpected enemy

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Meanwhile, the gang were still inside the car for like 20 minutes...

"Ok, this is getting ridiculous. It's been like 20 minutes!" Tea exclaimed as she was slightly frustrated, then she went to look out the window. "What's taking the driver so long?"

"Yeah, it's not like we have all day." Tristan agreed, while Sora was sighing in frustration at how long the driver was taking.

"I guess we should go check on the guy." Joey suggested.

"Good idea." Sora agreed, just before before she and the others all headed out of the car to walk towards the gas station.

"Hello?" Tea called out.

"Looks like business isn't exactly booming." Tristan remarked, before a noise was suddenly heard.

"That's weird, there's nobody here." Joey commented, before Tristan went to go look inside the men's bathroom.

"Be careful, Tristan. This doesn't look like the safest place to be." Tea warned Tristan.

"She's right, you know." Sora agreed with her best friend.

"He's not in the little boy's room." Tristan announced, as he got out of the bathroom.

"Then where did he go?" Lea asked worriedly.

"Hold on!" Joey suddenly announced, which caught the other's attentions and they turned to see that Joey was listening to something intently from the wall.

"What's up, Joey?" Yugi asked.

"Yeah, what are you listening to?" Tea chimed in.

"Is there trouble?" Sora asked tensely.

"That! You guys hear that noise?" Joey answered, as he heard the noise from the wall. The others were shocked, and they tried their best intently to listen to the noise.

"You're crazy. All I hear is my stomach growling." Tristan snarked.

"Hold on! Joey's right!" Both Sora and Yugi agreed with Joey, before they realized that something bad was going on and said "Listen!"

Then they and the others ran away from the noise as they knew that the noise was getting closer.

"They're getting closer!" Yugi warned.

"Whoever it is, we gotta flag him down!" Tristan suggested, as he and the others stopped running and stood in the middle of the street.

"Well, let's just hope the natives are friendly." Tea hoped nervously, just as Lea readied her staff while Sora got ready to use her powers.

All of a sudden... There came the motorcycle gang!

"Guys, I got a feeling they're not here to rescue us." Tristan remarked tensely, and Sora took out her Millennium Crown so she could see through what those guys were willing to do. Then after she put the crown on her head, she gasped in shock because she saw that Tristan was right about what he said!

Soon the motorcycle gang stopped in front of the gang.

"You kids shouldn't be roaming around these parts." One of the motorcycle gang scolded at the six kids.

"Yeah, you never know who might drive by." The other guy chimed in.

"Hey, you guys got a problem?!" Joey sneered at the motorcycle gang.

"Gas station's closed, so just move on!" Tristan chimed in, as he also sneered at the motorcycle gang.

Just then, Yugi suddenly transformed into Yami, then he moved in front of Sora so he could shield her against those guys.

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