Ch. 16 My Freaky Valentine: Lea vs Mai part 3

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Lea kept holding up her dragon card and announced tauntingly, "How about a warm welcome to Kronos?"

Mai was shocked at the sight of Lea's dragon card!

"Lea's gonne use that?!" Tea exclaimed in disbelief.

"I believe she is." Tristan replied firmly.

"That's right, just as I was given the Eye of Timaeus while Sora was given the Scale of Smaug and Lea was given the Tail of Kronos, Joey was chosen to wield the Claw of Hermos, which made Lea think that she should use her Tail of Kronos card by now." Yami told the pair firmly, and both Sora & Joey nodded in agreement.

Back with Rafael, Valon and Kylie...

"That's odd, how did that girl get her hands on that card?" Valon asked as he seemed surprised to see Lea holding her dragon card.

"Just because she has the card doesn't mean she knows how to use it. That'll be the true test of her power." Rafael replied firmly.

'Good luck, Lea.' Kylie thought while she looked at Lea with concern in her face.

Back with Lea and Mai's duel...

"Check this out, Mai. I found the secret to ending this duel and saving us both. And it all starts with this! So first, I'll bring back Fiend Megacyber!" Lea announced tauntingly, before her Fiend Megacyber returned to the field.

"Big deal! To refresh your memory, my Harpy's Pet Dragon disintegrated your puny fiend once, and she'll do it again without even flinching!" Mai sneered.

"Relax! Did I say I was done?" Lea scoffed, before she drew her card.

"Next I plan to reacquaint you with Time Wizard."

Then Time Wizard appeared on the field before she drew her dragon card, "And now here's Kronos! Hold on to your hairdo!"

Then Tail of Kronos finally appeared on the field!

"Next I'm gonna combine my Kronos and my Time Wizard together!" Lea announced, before her Kronos and Time Wizard began combining together.

'This is gonna be huge. I can feel it.' Lea thought as she stared at her two monsters combining together intently. The others all looked on in fascination, while Yami just watched with his arms folded as he knew that Lea was getting the hang of it, and both Rafael & Valon looked on casually while Kylie was hoping this would go amazing.

But then... Something wasn't right because the Time Wizard and Kronos turned into a croquet hammer with wings. Lea just sighed in exasperation, "Oh, man."

Valon just laughed in amusement, "Whoa, good one! I'm really shaking in me boots, I haven't seen a Duel Monster that scarier in a long time. Run! It's a croquet hammer with wings!"

"Valon! Be nice, she's a goddamn child!!!" Kylie snapped at Valon defensively.

"Oh, man! What was Lea thinking playing that?" Tristan sighed as he facepalmed.

"Can she change that hammer thingy back into a dragon?!" Tea asked both Yami and Sora.

"I don't think so." Sora shook her head.

"There's no need to." Yami replied firmly, before his normal self nodded in agreement.

'First impressions can be deceiving.'

Lea just stood there embarrassed for a moment, until she suddenly spoke up confidently, "Who cares what it looks like?! I'm gonna trust my deck and use my new weapon! Now, my Fiend Megacyber, pick up that hammer!"

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