Ch. 5 A new evil

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Meanwhile, Dartz had just called Rafael, Alister, Valon and Kylie for another meeting, so the four all headed to where Dartz was at and they got on their one knee so they could bow down in front of him(Inside Kylie was nervous but she knew that had to bow to her master).

"Gentlemen and lady, I want you four to collect the three Egyptian God cards from the pharaoh." Dartz instructed his four members, who all nodded in agreement while boldly replying with "Yes, Master."

"Gurimo will be dueling the pharaoh first." Dartz added while he gestured to the monocle guy who looked ready to duel the pharaoh and hopefully steal his soul. Kylie felt uncomfortable at his presence, but then she relaxed when she felt Valon touching her shoulder.

"All right, you all may go now." Dartz suddenly dismissed, just before the four all stood back up to their feet and began heading outside so they could head to Rafael's chopper that could bring them to Domino City. Gurimo followed along and when Kylie noticed, she moved closer to Valon just in case if Gurimo tried doing something to scare her or perhaps harass her.

After Gurimo, Rafael and Alister all got inside the chopper, both Valon and Kylie were the only one's outside because Valon noticed Kylie getting nervous.

"Something wrong, Ky?" He asked her gently.

"It's..." Kylie started, just before she sighed as she looked down to the floor shyly.

"I'm feeling nervous, because this is the first time that we're going out as bad guys. I mean, what if we get caught?"

"Kylie..." Valon said, just before he put both of his hands on Kylie's shoulders so he could stare into her eyes firmly, and Kylie felt her heart melting when she looked up to see that his blue eyes were staring into her green eyes. His eyes were so warm and he was infuriatingly handsome that his expression was deep & tempting, and Kylie just couldn't look away.

"I promise you we're gonna be fine and we're not gonna get caught. Just whatever you do, stay close to me and I'll protect you." He told her gently, just before he leaned forward and gently kissed her forehead. After feeling his lips on her forehead, Kylie couldn't help but think how Valon's lips were so soft & delicate, and she felt as if she was made of glass because of how he was so gentle with her like he always is.

"Hey! You two quit flirting with each other and let's go!" Came Alister's impatient voice all of a sudden, and Valon turned to glare at Alister in annoyance as he responded with "Party pooper!"

"Hey!" Alister shot back while he pointed his finger at Valon and gave him a bit of a warning look. "I'm not the one who found some weird girl for you to play with!"

"She's not some weird girl! Besides, you're just jealous because you don't have someone to make you happy!" Valon fired back while he was glaring at Alister ferociously.

"Don't test me, Valon!" Alister warned as he looked like he was ready to beat Valon up for what he just said to him.

"Both of you shut the hell up already!!!" Rafael shouted in annoyance at Alister and Valon's argument, which immediately made them stop as they were startled.

"Honestly, the more you two argue, the less time we're gonna have for our first mission! Now get your asses in here right now!" Rafael told both Alister and Valon sharply, and both arguers glared at each other hatefully before they got inside the chopper together with Valon holding Kylie's hand as she looked uncomfortable after the argument.

As soon as everyone was inside, Rafael began flying the chopper on the way to Domino for their first mission. As they flew, Kylie was still feeling a bit nervous because she was still worrying about getting caught in their first mission. Valon noticed so he gently took her hand in his, and when Kylie felt that familiar warm hand on hers, she turned to see that it was indeed Valon who took her hand and he gave her the most gentle and compassionate smile she had ever seen. Kylie felt her heart melting at his most lovely smile ever, and so she managed to smile back at him a little.

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