Ch. 7 The Orichalcos duel: Yami vs Gurimo part 2

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"Take a look, Pharaoh. The Seal of Orichalcos surrounds us, strengthening my Obelisk, while your monsters stand powerless in his shadow. First you'll lose then. Then you'll lose your soul." Gurimo taunted Yami proudly, which made the others feel tense for Yami.

'No! If Yami loses this duel, then I'm gonna have to duel that asshole in order to save Yami's soul.' Sora thought to herself with clenched teeth.

"All in the hands of your own creature. Who knew the very card that brought you so much glory would lead to your downfall? And it all begins right now. Obelisk the Tormentor, attack!" Gurimo commanded Obelisk, before it attacked Yami's Valkyrion and he was destroyed. Yami's life points went down to 2000.

"Yugi!" Both Sora and Tea called out to Yami worriedly.

"Hey! It'll take more than that to take my pal down, you freak show!" Joey snapped at the old man sharply.

"Don't give up, Yami!" Lea cheered Yami on with feeling.

"There's not a card in your deck that can match the unparalleled strength of Obelisk." Gurimo taunted Yami proudly.

'He's right! Obelisk is stronger than ever, thanks to that Orichalcos magic card.' Yami thought to himself tensely.

Gurimo snickered, but then he suddenly moved his hand to his face as he groaned a bit in pain.

'What's wrong with him?' Both Sora and Lea thought at the same time while raising their eyebrows.

Back with Rafael, Alister, Valon and Kylie...

"Looks like someone needs a rest." Alister stated as he noticed Gurimo suddenly getting weak.

"The boss warned us that the Egyptian God cards and the magic of the Orichalcos might not mix so well, didn't he?" Valon stated matter-of-factly.

"I think that geezer's just getting too old for this." Alister rolled his eyes.

Rafael let out a chuckle and said, "Well, that's why we made him duel first, right? To test the pharaoh's strength."

'I just hope the pharaoh doesn't get his soul taken.' Kylie thought while she looked at the duel nervously.

'I have an idea that just might work.' Yami thought intently, before he began drawing his card.

"Now I play the magic card Graceful Charity!" He announced, just as the Graceful Charity appeared on the field and began giving Yami's decks some power.

"This lets me draw three cards, as long as I discard two." Yami explained firmly, before he examined his cards.

'Excellent. There may be hope for me after all.' He thought before he discarded his two cards and summoned his Gazelle and placed one card facedown.

"First I'll summon Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts, then I'll place one card facedown on the field. That ends my turn."

Gurimo was still feeling a little sick, but he still managed to draw his card, "Where was I? Oh yes, I was just about to attack you again, with Obelisk the Tormentor!"

Then Obelisk attacked Yami's Gazelle, and he shattered to pieces.

"Ah, man! Now Yugi's got no monsters on the field to protect his life points!" Joey exclaimed in disbelief.

"Pharaoh, the age of destruction is here. The earth shall be shrouded in darkness, and your many soul shall fuel the force that devastates mankind." Gurimo taunted.

"What do you mean by that?" Yami demanded, which only made Gurimo laugh.

"A great beast is now awakening from its ancient slumber to complete what it began centuries ago. But before this beast can arise, it must absorb enough souls." Gurimo answered simply, which made Sora shocked as she felt like she knew what he was talking about!

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