Ch. 39 Visions of the past

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After Kylie headed out of Alister's room, she appeared to be smiling because she and Alister had just become friends with each other after he apologized to her for being a huge jerk to her. But then her smile fell when she suddenly heard a noise coming from somewhere, she was curious to know where that noise was coming from so she began to follow it which lead her to a basement corridor as she stepped down.

She walked carefully and confused as she was unsure why she was down there, then heard the echoing sounds of a young girl crying as she headed down the hall... to the very end where there was a door. It was almost as if a soulful vibration drew her closer. Kylie looked at the door lock, and the door opened. Kylie entered hesitantly as she moved into the dark, small, vaulted storage room. There were old treasures lining the floors and walls, but there was something specific Kylie was drawn to, which appeared to be on a table, there was an old wooden box. She moves to the box while she was unsure and afraid, as if an energy from inside the box had been calling her here. Kylie reached out very slowly to touch the box, she hesitated for a moment but then she opened the box and saw that inside was an Orichalcos Stone that almost looked like it was the size of her hand. She then wondered how that stone could lead her inside the basement and how it could make so much noise, then with hesitation, she reached towards it but she couldn't resist because she really wanted to know what was going on.

As her hand made contact with the stone, there was the sound of the Orichalcos activating like it would on the field when someone duels. It was rather loud so Kylie moved her hand away as she could hear the sound of an evil laughter that sounded almost like Dartz's voice, it was even dark and Kylie couldn't see anything which got her so scared... even more when she heard the sound of the same gunshot that killed her parents, then she saw that she was back in her old home and saw that an assassin had just shot her parents and she even saw her 13 year old self filling with fear as she hid in the kitchen to hopefully not be seen by the assassin, then she saw herself escaping through the window and ran away as fast as she could while she was crying in fear after what she had just seen. Kylie felt herself trembling and tears threatened to come out because seeing her parents killed as well as seeing herself running away to avoid getting killed herself were really horrid memories for her.

She then saw that she was now seeing a younger version of Valon watching the church burst into flames with horror(Because Valon told Kylie that a nun that took care of him was in there and he was scarred by it because she was really nice to him after he'd always been fighting with the thugs in the streets and she told him that fighting was wrong), then she saw that the thugs were laughing about it which set Valon off because he believed that they were responsible for the church on fire... before she saw Valon holding up a length of pipe and there were those thugs' bodies surrounding him which meant that he had knocked those thugs down because he was teaching them a lesson for burning down the church. Kylie then saw that Valon was in the juvenile detention center because what he had done had been a crime, which made Kylie's heart break because she knew how much hell Valon had went through living on the streets and growing up in prison.

Next she saw that a younger version of Alister was with his little brother as they were trying to find a way to escape the war that was caused by Gozaburo Kaiba, then she saw that the tank that Alister's brother was in had been blown up which made both Alister and Kylie horrified before Kylie saw Alister looking at his brother's favorite toy that now looked burnt and he was shaking so much in trauma because he had just lost his little brother after he had lost his mother. Kylie felt herself wanting to cry when she saw how severely heartbroken Alister looked because she knew how much his brother must have meant to him.

The next she saw was a younger version of Rafael getting his Guardian Eatos card for his birthday when they were on a cruise, but then she saw that there was a storm and Rafael went outside to see what was going on and both his younger siblings followed him outside but when the ship tilted to the side because there was a tidal wave... both Rafael's little sister and brother were swept away as they called to him and tried reaching their hand out to him but they were unable to and this was the last time Rafael had seen his siblings! Kylie gasped when she saw that happen and she felt tears coming out of her eyes because she knew how hard that was for Rafael and she wished that he hadn't gone through that.

Then what she saw was that there was a war that seemed to be from 10,000 years ago, where she saw that the army of Duel Monsters and the hundreds of Orichalcos Soldiers were fighting each other. She even saw that the dragon Eye of Timaeus that Yami possessed was flying up in the sky and was taking down the Orichalcos Soldiers, but then Timaeus' attack was stopped and Kylie saw Dartz standing atop that serpent which was the Great Leviathan while he was laughing. Kylie was horrified as she saw Timaeus flying towards him and the Seal of Orichalcos appeared on Dartz's forehead as he launched a surge of power from his fingertip. Then there was destruction raining down upon the Duel Monsters, and Timaeus dodged the blasts as he continued to fly towards Dartz before Dartz called for the Sword of Kings and threw it at Timaeus. Kylie gasped in horror when she saw that happen while Dartz laughed just as Timaeus fell and Dartz commanded the Great Leviathan to finish the dragon off, but Timaeus raised his head for a final effort. The beams of power from the two great beasts met which caused a huge explosion, and with that, the vision ended and Kylie fell back while letting out a scream.

As Kylie was on her back, she appeared to be trembling and shuddering so much in fear because she was really scared about everything she just saw. How she saw her 13 year old self watching her parents assassinated, how she saw young Valon seeing the church that the nun was assumingely inside on fire and was sent to juvie because he had been fighting the thugs for revenge since he saw them laughing, how she saw young Alister witnessing his little brother's death, how she saw young Rafael going through that tidal wave and he lost his family there, and even how she saw the ancient war and how Dartz stopped Timaeus from attacking, it was just all too much to bear.

Valon, who had been following Kylie because he saw her walking to the basement and wanted to know why she was there, saw her on the floor as she was shaking in fear so he ran to her side and exclaimed, "Kylie!!"

"Valon!" Kylie cried when she noticed Valon coming in, then she shook even more as tears came out of her eyes. "What was that? I shouldn't have gone in here!"

"What?! What happened?!" Valon exclaimed worriedly while he cupped her face in his hands.

"I-I-I touched an Orichalcos Stone that I found from the box, b-b-b-because it was calling to me, a-a-and I saw visions of my past, as well as yours... Alister's... and Rafael's. Even what happened so long ago." Kylie answered while trembling. "And I'm scared."

Valon's eyes widened in shock as he pressed his forehead against hers, "Shhhhhh, Kylie. Shhhhhhhh."

Kylie quickly moved towards him to hug him as she snuggled on his chest and she cried some more while shaking, and Valon hugged her back and kissed her head as he rocked her gently. Kylie cried fearfully for as long as she could until she finally relaxed as she inhaled in his scent, then she slowly closed her eyes because she had just taken him in, especially since she was hearing the sound of his heartbeat. All she knew was that she truly needed to hear his heartbeat just as well as she needed his arms around her. Valon sighed as he felt her relax and he held her head to his chest and ran his fingers through her hair, he just wanted to be by her side all the time cause he really loved her and he didn't want to see her sad or scared.

"Come on, Ky. Let's get out of here." Valon gently suggested, which Kylie nodded in agreement to but then when Valon stood up on his feet, he noticed that Kylie wasn't standing up and he knew why because she was afraid to after what had just happened to her. Valon scooped her up in his arms and started to walk out of the room up the stairs, while Kylie wrapped her arms around his neck and snuggled into him. Valon smiled at Kylie's touch and he placed his head on top of hers as he was heading towards Kylie's room. Then as soon as he got inside her room, her placed her on her hammock before he took off his goggles as well as his full-body coat that had carried his shoulder pads(Which revealed his tank-top underneath) along with his belted sleeves, fingerless gloves and his boots. He then got in and laid next to her and brought her closer as he covered themselves with a blanket, mostly making sure that Kylie was warm. Kylie snuggled into him as she closed her eyes and felt safe with him, which got Valon to smile because of how peaceful she looked, then he kissed her forehead affectionately before he pulled her closer even more and whispered, "Sweet dreams, Ky."

Then he laid his head on top of hers while he fell asleep himself.

A/N: Just wanted to let everyone know that I got the idea of Kylie having visions of the past after she touches the Orichalcos Stone from Star Wars The Force Awakens when Rey had visions of the past after she touched the lightsaber. As much I don't like the sequels that much anymore, I still kinda find that scene pretty intense.

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