Ch. 45 Grappling with a Guardian: Yami vs Rafael

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Soon both Sora and Kylie finally made it to the building of Paradius Headquarters where Seto told Sora that that was where he and everyone else were at while Yami was dueling against Rafael for a rematch, and as soon as they got there, they were about to take the elevator but then they stopped when they saw that Mai was lying by the elevator and she was unconcious!

"Mai!" Both Sora and Kylie exclaimed together, just before Kylie knelt down in front of Mai and waved her hand in front of her face and when she discovered that she wasn't breathing, she gasped because she realized the horrible truth!

"What is it, Kylie?!" Sora asked the redhead worriedly.

"I think Mai got her soul taken!" Kylie answered as she was equally worried, and it made Sora shocked before she went into thought and wondered how Mai got her soul taken away.

"Come on, Kylie. We have to keep going." Sora told Kylie firmly.

"But what about Mai?! I don't wanna leave her here alone! Not after how nasty I was to her ever since she joined the DOMA just because I thought Valon liked her." Kylie protested, which made Sora surprised because she had just remembered when she saw how sad and heartbroken Kylie was when Valon stopped the duel between Mai & Lea and was holding Mai in his arms!

"Well, I can't carry Mai because I only have room for Valon, do you think you can try carrying Mai, Kylie?" Sora asked Kylie, to which she cringed but then she took a deep breath while saying "I can try." before she went to try lifting Mai up in her arms... but she was too heavy.

"I can't." She sighed. "I guess we have no choice but to leave her here."

"I'm sorry, Kylie." Sora apologized to Kylie sadly, while Kylie moved closer to Mai and looked at her sadly and softly told her, "Mai, I just want you to know that I'm really, truly sorry for how I've always been jealous of you ever since you joined the DOMA. I hope we can see each other again someday... and be friends."

Then she pecked her lips against Mai's cheek before she stood up to her feet and followed the Kaiba girl inside the elevator which would lead the two of them to the exact spot where Yami and Rafael were dueling each other, then when the elevator door opened, they got out and saw that the gang were watching both Yami and Rafael duel each other as Rafael played the Seal of Orichalcos card this time

"You guys!" Sora shouted out to them, to which they all heard her voice so they turned around to face her and shouted her name back in relief to see that she was okay... but then they were confused when they saw her carrying Valon in her arms as well as they saw that Kylie was right next to her.

"Mind explaining something here, Sora?" Tristan asked.

"First of all, Tristan, Kylie is finally free from Dartz, and second, we couldn't just leave her boyfriend alone." Sora answered matter-of-factly.

"Boyfriend?" Everyone except Seto all asked together in surprise to know that Valon was actually Kylie's boyfriend.

"Yes, you guys. Valon's my boyfriend now." Kylie answered softly, just before she looked down sadly and concluded with, "If only he got his soul back."

Seeing Kylie so sad like that was starting to remind Lea of how sad and heartbroken she was when Mokuba got his soul taken by Pegasus back in Duelist Kingdom, she knew that Kylie loved Valon just like she loved Mokuba so much.

"Oh my god!" Sora's voice suddenly shouted, which snapped Lea back to reality and she saw that Sora was shocked to see that Joey was asleep while Tristan was piggybacking him.

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